If your taxation system is still the same as back in 2003, I think it is one of the highest, probably because you have the social support system running, and free education.
For Malaysia, there is no income taxation for basic income group (they are already poor enough to live in a inflation country, especially the urban city of Kuala Lumpur), and we have a different income taxation levels. The more you earn, the more you are taxed.
Unfortunately recently in Malaysia, the patrol prices are no longer 100% subsidized, and unlike the Down Under (which is a daily change of prices, I think? Is it still that way?) we have a weekly reset of prices depending on the world market rate. Even from there the government will have a way to tax the public; moreover with the Goods and Service Tax (GST), and Customer Service Tax, some restaurants will tax comsumers for (price + 10% service tax) + 6% GST. Which can sum up to at least 16 - 18% extra of every goods purchase / every food consumed at restaurants.
And, Malaysia does not have full social support, but we have Tax exemption, which if those who truly follow and keep their receipts (properly), some are able to have a tiny bit tax of returns.
If I am not mistaken back in 2003 when I was studying in Australia, there were a lot of news to remind senior citizens to fill up their tax returns properly otherwise they are over taxed.
This is a nice topic to discuss. upvote you.
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