Ok so from my understanding, you need to work for 4hr b4 you get a paid 10-15 min break, but 30 for lunch isnt paid.
If your working 9hr a day then you will get 2x 15min piad break and 1 30 min unpaid break.
If you work 8hr you get 1 paid 15min and one unpaid 30min lunch..
If im mistaken please someone let me know, this is info based on my experience working 20years, and it could be diffrent from industry to industry..
Thanks for responding. I just dont want to be ripped of as a new guy who doesn't know the rules.
Thanks Again
just did a quick check i didnt want to give bad advice so the following is from fairwork Australia.
"A rest break is a 10 minute paid break that counts as time worked.
A meal break is a 30 minute unpaid break that doesn’t count as time worked, except for shiftworkers. Meal breaks for shiftworkers are paid and count as time worked.
An employee gets 1 rest break and 1 meal break each day.
An employee who works for more than 5 hours must get at least 1 meal break.
Check the Building and Construction Award for information about wash time before lunch, paid meal breaks for employees involved in shaft or trench sinking and longer break entitlements in certain situations."
Wow thanks for this great info. You rock!