Say hello to my warm friend Erika. She has given me the kind permission to post some pictures of herself and her life. Erika is a very heartful personality, so kind and helpful. It is difficult to present her good nature only using words and pictures. Common to many, maybe the good Austrian classical music of Mozart, and delightful Austrian & Slowenian dishes, can let you feel her friendly nature a little closer.
Erika Lamplmair lives in the vicinity of Velden, a city located on the beach-line of the beautiful lake Wörthersee in Carinthia, Austria. While many institutions tell you the most livable city in the world is Melbourne, I honestly believe they have missed some points. Velden has a very high standard of living, excellent medical and education facilities, excellent clean waters and mountains which offer wonderful recreation, well maintained infrastructure and good supply of utilities with shops and businesses. The next large city is Klagenfurt with a good airport.
Find Velden here on Google Maps:,14.0510324,12z?hl=de.
Find Austria here on Google Maps:,12.9193034,7.25z?hl=de
Find the Austrian Embassy Washington here:
Find the Central Intelligence Agency Austria Factbook here:
Find the Velden Economy & Tourism Info here:
Find the Wörthersee Info here:
The Austrian Flag:
Here are a few impressions of the Wörthersee and Carinthia in Austria. You may recall Austria as being the beautiful country of Salzburg and Vienna but also Innsbruck and Bad Ischl. Below you see the Schloss am Wörthersee which is a hotel in the town of Velden where Erika lives.
Below you can see the "Pyramidenkogel" observation tower, it is situated at the top of the 850-meters-high Pyramidenkogel mountain, near Klagenfurt, the capital of Austria’s southernmost state Carinthia. It was completed in 2013 with a total height of 100m and it is the highest wooden tower in the world. The helix-shaped tower is a brilliant example of Austrian structural engineering.
Erika, also called "Rikki" and "Ricki", she is a balneo and massage therapist who also offers highly recognised massage therapy. Her therapy is well established in the area, where swimming and sunshine are part of the Carinthian and Austrian way of life.
Heil-Massagen / Lomi-Massagen - Entspannung für Körper, Geist & Seele
Bademeisterin & Heilmasseurin
Keutschacherstraße 94a
A-9220 Velden
Termine & Anfragen: Tel. +43 (0) 664 32 65 887
Erika enjoys the sun and does a lot of fitness training, often sun-bathing. She has connected her hobby with her job as an independent entrepreneur. Sports, wellness, physical fitness and positive thought energy all find their focal point in a balanced private life and fully understanding general physical therapy when at work. She spends a lot of time with water sports on the lake Wörthersee, and keeping fit and trimming.
The result of regular training is:
A perfectly maintained body and peaceful mind.
During the watersport season, Erika spends her recreational time at the lake, together with her long partner, with friends and family.
Portraits of Erika
Partners of Erika
Erika the Cook
Erika enjoying Life
Erika and Cars
Erika and Christmas

Erika in Person
To Erika: GLG - Ganz Liebe Grüsse!
Please comment, upvote and resteem if you enjoyed this post. Please note, this is a customized article by @lucky.digger to promote and the use of steem. All pictures are the property of Erika Lamplmair. All proceeds of this post will be used to support the Austrian and Carinthian steemit community.
Some other famous people associated to Austria
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Sigmund Freud
Marie Antoinette
Franz Kafka
Niki Lauda
Felix Baumgartner
Dietrich Mateschitz (Red Bull Energy Drink)
Erwin Schrödinger
Ferdinand PORSCHE ... and many more.

Like It. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, yes the pictures and information were fun to work with.
Lucky, du hast ein Herz, sehe ich daran wie du anderen hilfst!
Danke Dir Gregor, ich beabsichtige evtl einen Flug nach Europa in den kommenden Wochen, mal sehen.
sag bescheid wenn du nach Deutschland kommst