Going cashless has been in the works for a while now, way before our current prime minister even. That says to me, it wouldn't matter who ended up in charge, they would still be doing this. The company never changes, just the CEO. One might wonder if it is in fact the banks in charge of the country...
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That's the crux of the issue in a nutshell, all of this has come from a working paper issued by the IMF. It's got bi-partisan support, so it's becoming blatantly obvious that our politicians are just middle management and will blindly implement the wishes of the of the UN & the IMF.
I've been on both sides of the political fence at different stages of my life, when I was tradesman I was a die hard labour voter and when I ran my own business I shifted towards liberal values because they favoured the free market economy and didn't stifle small business with unfair taxation policy.
These days the lines are blurred and both big parties are siding with the banksters at the expense of the workers and business owners.