Another fun fact about me.. I'm a spelling fiend. It's "Wollongong" tehe.
Glad to be a part of the #teamaustralia mob and really appreciate the extra followers I noticed jumped on board the @nickmorphew train!
For those nerdy geeky fantasy adventure readers (you love D&D, it's our secret), you'll be happy to see my latest installment of "Adventures in Elowyn Glade" pop into your feed in less than 30 minutes from now.. but who's counting. This is the eighth issue and I'm VERY PROUD of what I've achieved with my writing (and it has nothing to do with the number of followers, $'s, views or comments). It's ALL about the quality. At the end of the day, if my writing is terrible or poorly thought out, I'm the one with MY NAME to it. And THAT'S embarrassing.
Thanks again, #teamaustralia !
Oh, you're one of those people! 😁
That said, I've fixed it now since I don't want it to be forever wrong on the block.
Congrats on your story. I did read some of that. Will have to check out the rest.