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RE: We disagree on masks and vaccine passports because our immortality tickets look different.

in #teamaustralia4 years ago

I'm not scared of dying, I'm just angry about it because unless aging is cured I'm not going to have time to get all the stories out (at the rate I'm going I'm not even sure I'll get out the one I'm working on >_<). That's literally the only reason I want to live "forever". I'll be ready to shuffle off when I'm out of good stories XD

I love your closing paragraphs.


Thanks. I know what you mean about the stories. Problem is, if we're all telling stories, who has time to listen?

I think when we're choosing the company we keep they're also usually ones we want/don't mind listening to?

In my case I need to get these stories out XD listeners/readers/viewers are amazing bonuses.