Working on it didn't mean writing it right this moment, I was waiting till I was comfortable with the platform before releasing any personal or private details about who I am and what I do.
Which is why I wrote the information I did in the earlier post.
Buuuut if you must know.
Background is in IT, telesales, carpentry, wood machining, exciting stuff like cso for suncorp. D;
hobbies are creative writing and motorcycles and crypto, used to be a bit of a gamer but not anymore, i've mined crypto and all sorts of stuff.
interests are reading / writing / learning / teaching / living life as best I can / supporting the networks I believe in/ maintaining balance in this world of constant flux. Normal stuff. :)
What I want out of life? well you'll get that one on the introduce me post when I write it. Lets just say I have long goals and short goals. :)
Perfect! I'll include you in the next update.
Oh what a day, what a glorious day!
You're introduced!
Thank you!