Happy Australia Day Steemit! Top 15 Reasons Why Australia is the Best Country to live in.

G'day mate! Just about to cook some damper and have it with a bit of Cocky's Joy and a XXXX on the beach in my cossie and thongs!!
I love Australia
I love being an Australian.
Here are my top 15 reasons why:


  1. Where else can you poo in a self made sand toilet whilst eyeing off a goanna? (Speaking from personal experience!)

  2. The largest property in Australia (a cattle station of course) is larger than Belgium

  3. Where else can you wear a thong in public? (actually it would be more socially acceptable to wear two thongs)

  4. If you visited a new Australian beach every day it would take 27 years to see them all!

  5. The average Aussie drinks 96 litres of beer each year

  6. Avocados are eaten with everything!

  7. Australia holds the Guinness World Record for the largest Toga party

  8. There are over 500 national parks

  9. There are 60 Wine regions in Australia

  10. Australia’s former Prime Minister Bob Hawke set a world record for sculling 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds!

  11. The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest living organism

  12. Most Australians are the most laid back and friendliest people in the world (head beyond the cities and you will know what we are talking about)!

  13. Australia is an extremely multicultural country and is home to the largest Greek population outside of Greece

  14. It is home to the world’s longest fence

  15. The Aussie sense of humour is like nowhere else on the planet. Did you know that an Australian man once tried to sell New Zealand on Ebay?


Chookers! Happy Straya Day from Michelle at @shareyourstory


Dear Sheelah Share, Happy Australia day to you too. I am originally from the UK, currently living in Tonga but I still call Australia Home! Lived in Melbourne for 20+ yrs but been hitting around the pacific for the last 6, however at the end of this year I am heading home and can't wait. Every time I manage to get back to the big brown place I realise how lucky I am.....as I said I have been kicking around islands in the pacific for the last 6 or so years and when that adventure ends I get to go back to the best bloody country EVER!! have a great day love. Cheers J

A fair dinkum, little rippa, dead set bewdy of a country. It's got it all. Good blokes, top sheilas, furry and scaled creatures and every type of landscape there is. (But we don't all eat avos-----yuck)

Well, I've learnt a thing or two about the country I live in. Thank you for those amazing ........and not so amazing Aussie facts. (I'm actually a kiwi expat with dual citizenship, who has been blessed with the enjoying living in the 2 best countries of the world) I still cant speak Australian but at least I don't have that strange kiwi accent anymore.) Is that little slice of paradise in the top pic one of the many beautiful beach tracks along the great Ocean Road?