On the surface things are OK between them, or at least that's the image that they want to portray to the football public.
Below the surface, I think their relationship will have been changed by the incident. It would be impossible for it not to.
On the surface things are OK between them, or at least that's the image that they want to portray to the football public.
Below the surface, I think their relationship will have been changed by the incident. It would be impossible for it not to.
I guess we'll never know for sure... AFL is a different world though - these guys that are mates outside of the game can get into fights and sledge eachother during the game and continue on being mates once the game is over - obviously in this case the resultant injury was quite extreme, and it really depends on whether the brayshaws accept it wasn't a deliberate action and how good they are at letting things pass..