Is Bitcoin out of the woods?! - Daily Bitcoin Screening: $8,207 (4hr chart)

in #teamcrypto7 years ago (edited)

Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 8.27.04 AM.png#Bitcoin has had strong rally after having immense volume yesterday! We broke through our previous bullish #support trend line and our approx. $7,500 horizontal #resistance (blue), and we are making our way towards some very important areas. What I want to see is #BTC break out (blue arrow) of our bearish trading range (green). We will need to break through our next level previous bullish support trend line and our approx. $8,500 horizontal resistance (red). Hopefully we can maintain this soft trend line (yellow) all the way out. #RSI and #MACD on the 4hr look promising! We shall see!


Charts looks pretty promising, trend lines look good!

Doesn't that blue arrow make you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside!