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in #teamendthefed7 years ago

Central banks and their G-SIFI mega-corps have blockchain supernodes and tokens plan...

Yes, you should be aware and discussing this as threat management and financial freedom...

Research banks partnering with others for Asset Digitization on the blockchain for virtual currencies (tokens aka cryptocurrency) and national currencies entering the Digital Economy.

Do you believe the money mafia would voluntarily give up control of their worldwide monetary system to competing, decentralized open source blockchain cryptocurrencies free market?

Now, you know about the digital battlefield and if you want decentralized free source free market and many diverse altcoins and complementary currencies you will have to:

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Image from @grow-pro : What Is Freedom Worth To You? Something To Think About

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DAHBOO77 Amplifies Awareness (AA) by discussing this:

Title: It Begins: The Blockchain Beast System Is Here
Video posted 12 Aug 2017 by DAHBOO77

"The is one of the most important messages i have ever put out. Please share and help get the truth out there! Much Love!

Dear Steemians, Blockchain Enthusiasts, and Cryptocurrency speculators

And some people still believe that with the actual corporations we'll have "freedom" in the monetary system. Good post!

@zariasonja if during this 21st century transitional phase the tipping point of mass awareness doesn't effect change then humanity will be slaves, but it is not too late and thankfully everyone is not needed to effect the change.

Banks and all individuals will always act in a way that benefits them and their circle of influence directly, especially financially in this day and age.

It's actually by getting in before these large money influences have the regulatory and insurance means to do so, that we'll benefit in the short term.

What's awesome, is that unlike other stocks or commodities, the user/owner makes out best! While these institutions are investors and have played midde-man to make their profits since inception, they won't ultimately benefit as much as the actual majority of users, and it's at that time that true decentralization will take effect.

This is beautiful because these large money interests will have no choice but to eventually support the very thing that will lead to their long term demise, all in the sake of short term profits as assets of all sorts transition to the blockchain or a similar technology. =)

The streets will flow with the blood of the non-believers...