A New CryptoMama is Born!

in #teamgirlpowa7 years ago (edited)

Mamas aren't hatched competent and ready made; they are born with their babies, often have NO idea what they're doing and grow into their mama role. Slowly!! Haha... feels like after nearly 14 years I'm still growing into the whole mama idea. But Dr Google and I have done a pretty good job so far, if the beautiful, smart and sassy young woman who is my only daughter is the benchmark of my success or otherwise. Here in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand, a European mom with a half-Thai child was decidedly uncommon when my daughter was born. With no family or mom friends to ask for advice or support, I have always just googled EVERYthing and, if that didn't work, I have prayed and simply followed my instincts. I "wore" my baby and raised my little one under my desk long before it was fashionable, mostly cos I had to. And my daughter was a little one in the pre-social media era. If, indeed, anyone remembers that time.

Being away from a standard, accepted "mom culture" and ideas of what that might mean, I have always asked myself lots of deep questions about "how to do it". Should I raise her in a religion that I myself don't subscribe to, or should I let her work it out as she grows? Should I insist she learn my mother tongue (Dutch) or let her choose her own linguistic path? (she's happily on language #3 at the moment - Korean - no Dutch on her radar yet) Should I send her to an international school that prepares her for a western world that won't exist by the time she gets there and a society that I, myself, have deselected from? How to skill her up for a world that is changing so fast that I can barely keep up?

I took the decision long ago to simply be as transparent as possible, and to listen to her. To let HER choose the bits of my life that interested her, and to not push things on her (like the violin or piano lessons) that are my idea of what might benefit her. So it has been with some interest that I have watched her absorb my cryptocurrency learning curve. Cos I am a total newbie. She came along to an introductory crypto training session with me and bravely sat through most of it before (endearingly) falling asleep with her head in my lap. She has watched me start on steemit and has been keenly observing my experience of learning Discord and getting GINAbot talking to me. If nothing else, my daughter will be clear that life-long learning is perfectly NORMAL. Expected, even.

So when she asked me casually some months ago if she could travel to Korea along with friends in April 2019, I agreed in principle. After I conquered a few habitual misgivings, cos she will still only be 14 years old then. So provided some precautions and steps are put in place as a safety net, and provided she saves and pays for the flights herself, it is game on.

After making it very clear that normal household chores and routine helping in our business will NEVER be paid events, and clarifying that our 14 year old pickup truck might fall apart if it is washed too often :) my daughter went away to think. And she hatched a plan, with a little input from her mom. In the last days she has set herself up on steemit. @nabithecat


She's going to blog her experience of learning crypto through the eyes of our cat, who has conveniently been given his new 'stage name', Nabi the Crypto Cat. You can read her first introductory post here: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@nabithecat/nabi-the-crypto-cat

Some of her posts will be bilingual, so she can practice her written Korean language skills and engage her many young bilingual Korean friends (Korea, of course, having the highest uptake of steem anywhere in the world). She wants to WORK the high-traction tags of kr, crypto and cat, cos my girl has done her homework. She's going to work on her cat stories and cute little cat memes, to show you how she's growing and to show us how the kids who are our future want to use this new technology - to develop an income stream to enable the global lifestyle of their choice.

And suddenly, I am having to learn faster, to search out blogs and sites that might interest her sharp young mind, whilst at the same time having endless little chats about malware, phishing, and the irrevocability of playing in the crypto-space on the blockchain. Feeling a bit like that new mama again who actually had to google "cloth nappy folds" way back when. And haha, yes, I really did have to do that.

If you believe women need a stronger voice in the cryptocurrency world, please support her. Cos we haven't even begun to THINK about how to teach this stuff to our kids or our young people. My online searches for "blockchain crypto education teenagers" haven't yielded much. And her private, excellent but under-resourced bilingual school here in Chiang Mai is still happily teaching PowerPoint and word processing.

It's my job, as her mama, to equip her for the global world she will have to live in. Cryptocurrency and the blockchain are here to stay, and she needs to be competent and comfortable in that world. So I need to get myself better skilled, and model for her what is possible. If you are reading this and have resources to share, please link them in the comments below. Please be GENEROUS in not just your upvotes of her work, but your advice, links, comments and ideas to help her. Cos it does take a village to raise a child, and in our case, that village is mostly online. And her newbie-steeming mom is sometimes way behind the curve and juggling. Mostly, if you are a teamgirlpowa member-supporter, please give us BOTH your support as we work this out together.

Loving this steem community and the generosity of spirit I have found. Deeply grateful for @kenistyles and @iamjamie for being wayshowers, bridge-builders and eternally patient and supportive. Feeling connected and thankful for all the other solo mamas doing their best out there.


I have a post still being edited that lists 101 top cryptocurrency/blogs resources. Well, maybe they aren't the top resources, but they certainly are a place to start :-) You'll be the first to know once it's live.

I'm heading off now to follow her and will give her my full support because as far as I can tell she deserves her trip to Korea

Aaawww... thank you!! I shall be looking out for your post so I can give it some resteeming love and support too. :)

Put her on 100% autovote already. It's only about $0.10, but hopefully it will help encourage her to post daily. And who knows, Steem could be worth $20 by the time she needs the money :-)

You're amazing!!! Thank you. :) You made this mama's Monday morning feel super nice. Coffee is on me when you are back this way!! :)

I also just went through all the Discord groups I belong to and did a post promotion. Not sure how much it will help, but I did see some more votes coming in :-)

Overwhelmed. Grateful. Hope to be giving you as much support when I learn how!! :)

Thank you VERY much, @moneyinfant. I don't know any words to express how much it means to me. Especially to a newbie like me! Love from Nabi XOXO

Just hoping to see pictures of you in front of Gyeongbokgung Palace or shopping around Hongdae!

Hi @moneyinfant, I just figured out how to find all the replies. Yes, will do. Planning to go next year in school holidays (March-early May). Just hoping all works out! If it does, I might even make a little story about it XD

Glad to hear you're finding your way around here. There's lots to learn!

Too bad Nabi will have to remain back home with Bosscat :-D

Right, Nabi isn't all too happy about that, but he'll deal with it. There is a lot to learn, I truly agree.

I believe ploi will be able to hook up with like minded people and even better in some ways Koreans who like you said are a very technological driven society ,so any issues on advancing her understanding will come .
Meanwhile just get posting

She is visiting her dad for a few days over Songkran and has her next 2 posts already in draft mode. Playing it a bit safe and mama is helping her get started over her long school holiday - she will be out in full force in the coming days.

In any case, my husband and I have been discussing a Steem acct for our oldest - I wasn't completely sure about it but after reading your post, you bring up some very valid points worth considering. Now, he hasn't come to me and said, "Can you set Steem up for me" yet but maybe he would like to join your daughter in a shared teen experience with Steem/Discord. He also loves our kitty Mina so they can start a little cat meme tribe. I'm going to bring this up to him today and see where the conversation leads. Thank you for your post, very helpful. And will definitely support your daughter's new adventure.Wonderful post @artemislives. We too are in the same boat in same age ranges having the same conversations. Your post comes with much appreciation from me as a mom...winging it! It is a different world and I am facing the same deep questions. Hoping that 'following the child' approach will ultimately result in my children's adult lives being fulfilling and self-sustaining for them. We actually do piano and violin ;) My oldest son actually came to me at age 8 and said, "I'd like to learn violin, can you set that up for me?" LOL

The online mama-love is bringing tears to my eyes!! Thank you. Yes, it would be great if Ploi could have some other young people to learn from and engage with. And yes, I wing it, most all the time. :) I soooo wanted my daughter to study piano and violin (I have a degree in classical music majoring in piano) but not her thing, yet. But hey, the great Arthur Rubenstein had his first piano lesson in his 40s, so there is no rush. :) Gratitude for the wonderful, encouraging comment, for the resteem and for supporting my daughter. :)

How wonderful that you majored in classical piano. I loved classical piano as a child - was an odd-ball child in that respect. My violin child also loves classical and is preparing for his La Follia piece for May (quite a story here because he had 3 major surgeries on his right arm and it is a miracle that he is even playing violin...he lived in a cast from his wrist to his shoulder for 3 years and the second it came off, he asked me to set him up with violin :) ). Interesting how life lays itself out and we either take one path or another. I certainly wouldn't force the issue with Ploi and music. She may be interested later. I kind of forced it with my younger child (he plays piano, more of a jazz and art/free spirit)...'just try it, grab a taste of it and then if you don't like it, we'll try something new. He wanted to try cello 6 months ago and that fizzled after the first lesson ;) And then we've done djembe drumming. Everybody's different....as long as a person has a way to 'express themselves' in some artistic way, it doesn't matter what they choose. I've seen the wildest artistic expressions that I would have never thought of - I even consider math an artistic expression in a lot of ways. It's all good. Ploi's Steem page will be her artistic expression and who knows where that will lead her and what it will teach her about herself :)

You're soooo right about expression being the priority and the medium being simply a detail. Your children are lucky to have such a balanced mom!! Thank you for steadying my wobble and for the lovely inputs.

You're doing great. And thank you. I wobble quite a bit, too - this is an 'interesting' age LOL

@kenistyles thank you for the resteem LURVE. _/_

Sharing this type of knowledge with your loved ones makes you very future thinking. I like that!

Actually everything in this article is telling me you are doing a fine job in raising this fine human :)

Love & gratitude, Karin!! :)

I love how engaged you are and want nothing but whats best for your child :) Really good post. I'm looking forward to read more from you =)

Thank you!! I look fwd to more from you too, Nicole. haha... if my story in response to your other comment hasn't put you off entirely. :)

Haha noo of course not. <3