A few thoughts:
ned cant do anything but sway things with his sp like the rest of us; think again about how steem works. ned works for steemit. nice condenser, but busy.org might be better.
If steem is
huge pyramid scheme that it is where the rich get richer feeding off the bottom dwellers of the pond
what does that make youtube?
Sad to see moneyinfant stop posting? Me too! I loved that guy and his round up of contests. I've been thinking that this would be a great opportunity for someone to step up! (not me because it turns out its a lot of work)
A lot of complainy people come to steemit and start complaining. Nothing new to see here. Turns out there is no one official to complain to...doesnt stop them from trying. Im not sad to see them go.
You can comiserate, or differentiate. Use your feed, not trending. Join good groups, ignore the rest. Post for yourself, not to get rich quick. Do whatever you want!
Eventually all these great apps will be on top and steemit will literally not be a thing. Thats the real reason for the forever beta, steemit is the everything drawer, other apps on top will be able to be filtered, censored, etc.
@ned has the power though his vest to help implement a lot of change here but after the next sentence I wil quote I no longer feel like taking the time to even discuss it with you!
I do not appreciate your tone! Also if you had taken time to look through mv my posts you would get an idea of the things I provide to the forum, my progressive terminal illness I am dealing with, the things I do in rl and here for my community. But hey let us be an abrasive asshat and disqualify ourselves from the discussion. Maseltov !
jeez I really didnt mean to be a dick. going to go through and edit again. I didnt mean to insult or invalidate your claims (which are mostly true), but I have seen so many versions of this post over the last year.
Basically (in my one opinion), we just have to get over these same (valid! but constant) complaints to recognize and use steem for what it is truly capable of.
But it is absolutely your right to review the problems, just tossing my two cents in.
(original message edited for tone/it was originally intended to be cheeky not offensive)
to answer your question youtube at this point is a moneygrubbing soul sucking factory. But the steemit platform and steem sells it self or was conceptualised to be something better . this is why so many of us Flocked here and this is why even after seeing what a great mass of people is doing to it stay here because we still believe we might be able to bring it to it's potential. But putting ones head in the sand and ignoring the elephant that is not only in the room but sitting on our chest is not only stupid but cowardly. Nothing changes if one does not point out what needs to be changed and yes agreed nothing changes by talk alone. But those of us who care and that are still fighting still need to raise our voice or the efforts we make to counteract the mainstream trends will end up being the equivalent of a dung beetle trying to move a semi truck. In the discord forums these discussions have reached several shit posters that start seeing how their actions affect the platform so yeah i am putting it out there, sorry if you dislike it or if all you got out of it was that i am a lazy slob that does nothing. Truth is however that Steem is at a crossroads and we need more people with clout to do something and influence the culture in a better direction or new comers like Ono will become facebook and steem will end up like myspace - mark my words ...
Really, not lazy slob. let me break this down. I too have mourned the loss of money infant, but have not stepped up because its a lot of work! I dont consider myself lazy either; I, like you surely, do many things with my time, none of which is stepping into money's shoes.
It turns out that it is a lot of work to make this platform better. A lot of smart people are working on itt though, and only a very small percentage of those work for STEEMIT,INC
I mentioned @moneyinfant in passing to highlight what a loss it was to the community and what an advantage it gave me early on to find the people I work with here that many others no longer have. Yet it seems that this is all you are focussing on in this post and i find it highly confusing ....lol as is I will keep doing what i am doing including pointing to elephants ...
You be you! I'm sorry if I caused any consternation.
LOl you do see how you are digging your hole here yes ? even in this apology ? do you think i need permission to be myself as you first sentence implies ? Of course I am myself. You might want to work on those communication skills, as I see by your content that you do champion a worthy cause; and it would be a shame if you came at people, other myself in the same fashion, and your message was ignored because of it.
It is not so simple as that. all these apps run over the same block chain what steemit does effects the entire chain ! if yo see it or not . the health of the entire chain is affected. It is like our planet just because on country might change their ways to save the environment they still will not survive if the rest of the planet stays with the old behaviours. More people need to understand this and do something about it. And yes @moneyinfant 's post was the bomb and I am pretty confident he would be still doing it had the community taken the time to reward him for the hours of work put into it ...