Yeah, I am taking a week or two off. I really have some serious choices to make... I am NOT getting more readers, I have the same handful of people who reply and I do not want to spend MORE time over in discord (I end up in tears there WAY TOO OFTEN) to try to earn a few more pennies. It is not about money for me, yet having the money involved makes me feel like I have "no value" by comparison... I do not want that comparison in my face on a daily basis. It is not accurate.
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I completely understand, and have felt the same way more than once. And I agree, it's a bogus comparison, and I know first hand that it's hard not to take it personally.
It is disheartening when I tell Marek I made another post, and his comment is something to the effect of, "Oh great, another 31 cents." Yeah. That.
But I do have faith in the people I've met on this platform, many of whom are actively working on a way to make the system fairer, and to hide the crap posts from our feeds. And, hopefully, to ban repeat plagiarizers.
And I was VERY heartened this morning to read an article in Vanity Fair about Sir Timothy Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web in 1989, and is now actively working with his foundation to re-centralize the internet as we know it, to return control of personal information back to individuals, and to make it harder for governments and corporations to spy on us 24/7.
His project's name is "Solid," and his foundation's website is, if you're interested. I plan to get involved in whatever ways I can.
Meanwhile, if you do ultimately decide to switch platforms, please give me a way to contact you. I consider you a friend, and would hate to lose contact, as I'd love to meet you face to face one of these days. ;-)