Hey Konnichiwa minasan!!
If you still remember I mentioned before that I’m ‘legally blind’. So today I want to share list of things that I can’t see. There’s tons of it but I just write whatever cross my mind. Yeah……
Ok let’s start out with the eye chart. When you go to the eye doctor they will do some eye test on you which you need to cover one side of your eyes and tell them what can you see. I can only see the largest letter “E” and nothing else. HAHA! Actually I can see the black dots with somekind of shape I’m not sure what it is.
I also have nystagmus or in other word it was called dancing eyes. Nystagmus is an uncontrolled movement of the eyes, usually from side to side, but sometimes the eyes swing up and down or even in a circular movement. For me it doesn't effect the way i see things. I usually don't feels my eyes moving. But sometimes i can feel it. Let say when I'm not feeling well, nervous or my eyes is stress out.
Things that I can’t see
People can point things out to me for example a billboard or a signboard or some sort of picture when we walk on the streets. I can’t see that from far distance.
I cannot see plate number.
I can’t see road signs.
Menu at fast food restaurant that are up on the wall.
Well to be clear I can actually see all the above as I’m passing them or the have to be right beside me. I can see much better if everything comes near to my face!!
Does my eyes sensitive with the light?
When it comes to light. I notice that my eyes only sensitive with the sunlight. And camera flash. Some peoples with albinism is worst than mine. Their eyes are more sensitive that they need to wear tinted glasses indoor. For me I prefer to be in the dark. I play with my phone and computer with the light off.
What can I do to improve my vision?
Not much. I can get glasses or contact lenses but it only helps sharpen the image. Without the glasses my vision is blurry and with it my vision become sharp. I only wear glasses cause I don’t have good experience with contact lenses. I use them once few years ago and it makes me blind for one week!! (I will share about that in another story)
You’re legally blind so you can’t drive!
Nope you’re wrong. Albinism people can drive with the help of bioptic. They need to take classes and learn how drive using the bioptic. I have a lot of my albino friends who drive and they have their licence. I personally don’t drive because I don’t trust my eyes. LOL!!
I will end this here. To be continue~
Hahaha! You are so cute! No need to drive if you have your lovely sis to drive you around? I was wondering can you take the MRT?