Survival tips : How to make fire

in #teammalaysia7 years ago

Fire is not only for cooking and preserves food. It can fulfill many needs, for examples it can provide warmth and comfort, it also can use to purify water and many more. fire is what you need if you always doing an out-door activity like jungle tracking or fishing in the forest or in a rough survival situation.

There a several methods for laying a fire and each one has the advantage in a different situation. I'm taking this method from a survival manual Apps but i learn to make a fire from my dad when i was a kid. So i just share 3 method im always use when helping out my father in a farm.

1# Lean-to

To lay a lean-to fire, push a green stick into the ground at a 30 degree angle and point the end of the stick in the direction of the wind. Place some tinder deep under this lean-to stick. Lean pieces of kindling against the lean-to stick and light the tinder. As the kindling catches fire from tinder, add more kindling.

2# Teepe

To make a teepe fire, arrange the tinder and a few sticks of kindling in the shape of a tepee or cone and then light the center. As the tepee burns, the outside logs will fall inwards feeding the fire. This type of fire burns well with wet wood and its works in a rainy day.

3# cross-ditch

Scratch a cross about 30cm in size in the ground. Dig the cross about 3 inches deep. Put a large wad of tinder in the middle of the cross and build a kindling pyramid above the tinder. The shallow ditch allows air to sweep under the tinder to provide a draft.

This is three method that I use to make a fire. If you think this is useful just #upvote and #resteem so I can share more survival tips in the future.

All Images are taken from #Google

Don't try this at home

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