3 TOP reasons why i hate "follow me and i will follow you back" comment

After being on Steemit awhile now, I see these comments so often and I really think that people should stop posting it on other steemian's blog. Here are just my TOP 3 reasons why I really dislike the comment "Follow me and I will follow you back" or "Vote for Vote ?"

Reason 01. Are you human ?

There are so many bots now out there on this brilliant platform and I must say that sometimes it hard to tell if the person leaving the comment is human or just a spambot. First thing that comes into my mind is this person may well be a spambot. Why should I follow a spambot ? Would you ?

Reason 02. You may not be my type !

First impression counts ! Most steemians which has been on the system long enough knows that to have a successful blog you need followers. Which is so true, however if your first impression is a comment begging for a follow, its a clear indication that you are spamming and not really interested in my blogs.

Reason 03. Don't tell me what to do !

The whole idea being on steemit is to be able to write freely and not to be told what to do. I don't mind you asking me to follow you but let me know why. I do follow a lot of people who comment on my blogs especially when they have something interesting to say.

These are just my thoughts on this and I do know a lot of you steemians who has been here long enough may share the same views as I do. Let me know if you do not agree with this. I'd like to hear your point of view.



follow me please

first off, What's in it for me? I follow Steemians who 1. gives me value, and ultimately 2. I personally know of and is an active member.

I straight up despise people who begs for such menial things. a follow, a vote, a resteem.. We know how and when to do those things, It's just a matter of whether we chose to or otherwise.

Unfortunately, it's something we all have to tolerate and ignore for the forseeable future. Among the many thorns to the otherwise beautiful Steemit experience.

I know rite .. I need to get a bot that is able to spam back the spammers ... Like what cheetah does .. spams 'this user is on my blacklist' ... Heheh

Woah.. that's an initiative i can get behind on!

I'm glad that i'm not the only person who finds this kind of comment annoying! Even though i'm new on the platform, i'm surprised at how often I see it. It seems pretty counter intuitive to what Steemit is supposed to be about. The way I see it, If I publish quality content and engage with other Steemians, the people who resonate with what i'm contributing will follow me.

yea .. especially when the new steemians joins up, they are all firstly greeted by the bot instead of a real human. gets annoying pretty fast. you are right ... if your content is of interest and informative for other steemians, they will surely always follow you and is done without even asking . still looking forward to your dance video =) @coruscate

Haha I will be sure to let you know whenever I post it! Maybe I’ll follow your advice from another post and submit it in the “ Steem It’s Got Talent” challenge. 😉

You are not alone in feeling this way bitrocker... I'm right there with you. Your point that it's hard to distinguish real people from bots when they act this way is SO TRUE.

I also find that it just doesn't make sense for me to "follow back" a lot of the time... I only want to follow authors that post content I'm interested in. It doesn't help anybody if I follow somebody and then they are posting about, IDK, parenting or kayaking or some other thing that does not apply to me. The same way they shouldn't follow me if they don't like weird music and technology rants, lol.

Nice post, cheers.

lol ... thats true man .... we see it so much especially when curating. at times it really seemed like the spambots from other social media sites has packed their bags and moved onto steemit. good thing for people like @steemcleaners and @cheetah ... without these guys steemit would have been doomed before it even got started.

@bitrocker2020 I demand you follow me gosh dang it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) just joking, yeah I see it a lot on steemit. I remember back in 2009 on Youtube, people would ask for sub for sub on people's channels. It was rather annoying, but I rarely see that these days.

What I also find very odd is that some user even agree to follow the person who asks them. Hopefully the follow for follow dies down just like the sub for sub on youtube.

LoL @raizel ... you know I'm addicted to Ur stickman kungfu ! Followed for life man ! .

Yea like what you said ... I would guess it take a bit of maturity in the platform before people stop doing it. I guess there were also a lot of videos ranting about the annoyance before that. Which then makes this post one of the many rants about to come before the spam stops.

Cheers bud

im wondering how they make the spambot.. but surely absolutely annoying.

There are numerous bots alrdy on github which can be used. So yea it's gonna be awhile before it goes away LoLz.

very good writing, and that is what is happening now. @ bitrocker2020, hahahahahaha lol

Sad but true story @joelsteem


hahaha, newbie...what to do. Cheers~!

Sama lah bro. Terus saya ignore tu.. macam juga instagram

cant agree more @bitrocker2020. cheers!

I've seen this to be a common peeve among Steemians who've been here awhile. I concur with this sentiment. We like who and what we like. 😁

please how i can do that