
Lazada is one of the trusted online trading sites. I've also used some of these sites to buy some of the things I need.

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sudah bah ! got it for RM245 intl version Mi Box

@davidngtv apa sudah apk file mau download tu?

any video review ?

Watch bein sports

Please tell us how it works out later on. i.e. as good as advertised...?

yeaaaappppp ! it is ! Lazada selling it for RM245 ... if u plan to buy make sure its the international version with the bluetooth remote . As there seem to be many other variants with slightly lowered price. A number of em is in CN and you can't change the language (so they said)

How it is? Good? How much u got it? Do it have USB port?

1x USB , 1x HDMI and 1x Bluetooth Remote. The remote has a mic .. so you can actually search with voice. Have not tried other apps or features yet.

how much is it selling for?

on Lazada is about RM245 .. the cheaper once are normally the CN version with no bluetooth remote but IR