How to Play Aavegotchi - Step-by-Step Guide [April 2021]

in #teammalaysia4 years ago (edited)


Welcome to Aavegotchi - the land of cute pixelated ghosts that literally earn you money over time.

An Aavegotchi / ah-veh-goh-chee /

What is an Aavegotchi

Aavegotchi is a Tamagotchi-inspired pet collectible game. You get to pet it, play games with it (in the upcoming Metaverse), build your kinship with it.

But with many twists. Here are some quick gems.

  • Each Aavegotchi is an NFT.
    Which means these digital pets live on a blockchain, are provably scarce, unique and not easily deleted aka live forever unless you... yes you choose to destroy it.
  • Each Aavegotchi is a digital piggy bank that earns you money over time.
    You need to put some money (maTokens) in each Aavegotchi before they can exist. Also, thanks to DeFi protocols e.g. Aave, the money inside that Aavegotchi is earning interest over time.
  • The Aavegotchi game is governed by a DAO; not a company.
    How the game evolves is decided by us --- the community. Game revenues (e.g. portal sales) flow into the DAO treasury and how that money is used follows transparent rules which are decided by the community.

What you can learn in this guide

In this beginner guide, you can learn:

  • [x] How to get ETH
  • [x] Migrate your ETH to Polygon (formerly Matic)
  • [x] Buy GHST using Quickswap
  • [x] Buy a portal from Baazaar
  • [x] Summon an Aavegotchi
  • [x] Earn more money with your Aavegotchi

> This guide assumes that you're completely new to cryptocurrencies and starting from scratch. However, feel free to skip to the step that is more interesting and relevant to you if you are an advanced user. Also, this guide is NOT the only way to prepare yourself... it is a summary what I learned to help you save time and costs.


If you already have ETH, you can skip to the next step.


Aavegotchi is built on Ethereum.
Think of Ethereum like a theme park, if you want to sit on the rides, you need to pay fees... and the currency is Ether, also known as ETH.

Thus, in this step, you'll need to:

  • Buy some ETH from Luno (Malaysia) or other cryptocurrency exchange for your country (Overseas).
  • Setup your Metamask wallet. Use this guide.
  • Send your ETH from Luno to your Metamask wallet.

Frequently Asked Question: Why can't I use my ETH in Luno or the exchange wallet?
Answer: Metamask is the most widely used wallet for interacting with dapps. Not just Ethereum but for the wider decentralised web too. It is easy to use too.

Migrate ETH to Polygon (Matic)

matic bridge.gif

Now, Ethereum has become a very expensive theme park... lots of economic activity (which is good) but heavy traffic congestion and fees.

Thus, the entire Aavegotchi game will run on Polygon (formerly known as Matic)... a layer two solution for Ethereum. Think of it like moving your activities from the big city to a smaller town instead where fees are virtually near-zero.

For this, you will need to use a bridge.


Once you have your ETH in the wallet (previous step):

  • Visit the bridge.
  • Connect your Metamask Wallet.
  • Click 'Move funds to Matic Mainnet'.


  • Select the amount of ETH to transfer.
  • Click Transfer.


  • Read the notice. The transfer takes about 8 minutes.
  • Click Continue.


  • The bridge will estimate the gas fee (varies depending on Ethereum congestion).


  • Confirm the 'Transfer'; and
  • Pay the gas fee using your Metamask wallet.
  • Done!

Buy GHST using Quickswap


You have successfully sent your money to Polygon (Matic)... the "small-town" where fees are virtually near-zero. Change the network on your Metamask wallet to 'Matic' to view your balance. Notice that when you move your funds from Ethereum to Matic, your address is the same... just a different network.


If you do not see 'Matic' in the dropdown menu, you need to add 'Custom RPC' for your Metamask wallet. Settings as follows:

Now, let's get some $GHST. ghst.gif


  • Connect your Metamask wallet


  • Now swap your ETH for some GHST
  • Approve ETH.

> In Matic, the gas fees are paid with $MATIC. When you use the Matic bridge to send ETH to Matic for the first time, you should receive an airdrop of 0.1 $MATIC; which should be enough for at least 1,000 transactions. It takes a few hours for the airdrop to arrive. If you cannot wait, you can try asking for someone in the Discord to send you some $MATIC but do exercise the courtesy to give back what you borrow once your airdrop arrives.


  • Confirm Swap.


  • Congrats you now have $GHST!
    And the gas fee was only $0.000072 USD. 😲


You are now ready to buy an Aavegotchi portal from Baazaar 🔥🔥🔥

How to Buy a Portal from Baazaar


  • Click Play.
  • Click Gotchi Baazaar.


  • The Baazaar is an open marketplace where people can buy and sell portals, Aavegotchis, wearables, raffle tickets etc with other players.

  • In the Baazaar, you can either buy
    (a) A closed portal - you don't know what is inside.
    (b) An open portal - a choice of ten Aavegotchis to choose from.

Closed portals are usually more expensive than open portals.
Open portals have less element of surprise hence are cheaper. You can also use the sort function to find the lowest price portal available.


  • You can also view what Aavegotchis are inside an open portal before buying it.


> Pro-Tip: You can also view more details visiting the URL Replace XXX with the portal number.


  • Once you buy a portal, the summon button will be available.
    Out of 10 choices, you can only summon one Aavegotchi from a portal.
    The remaining nine choices will be gone forever.
  • To summon your Aavegotchi, you need to attach (not spend) some maTokens on it. In this example above, you need minimum 0.0176 maWETH to summon this Aavegotchi. You can use Quickswap to swap your ETH for some maWETH.
    > maTokens are Aave interest-bearing tokens. That means they use Aave to earn interest over time. You can get them from Quickswap.

Congratulations. You have summoned an Aavegotchi! 👻

Alternatively, you can also buy an Aavegotchi directly from someone else on the Baazaar.


> Disclaimer: None of the content in this guide is financial or investment advice. Treat this guide as a free informational and educational resource. Your funds, your decisions, your risks, your rewards.

How to Earn More Money with your Aavegotchi

Method #1 - A fun way to HODL


  • Instead of HODLing your favorite cryptocurrency in a cold storage wallet never to be touched or seen for years... why not lock that cryptocurrency you are bullish about in an Aavegotchi... and let it earn additional interest for you over time. 🙂

  • In this example, this Aavegotchi has 0.1 maAAVE ($38) inside it... and is now worth 0.100007 maAAVE in the last two weeks since birth.

  • You can put more collateral onto your Aavegotchi and just HODL. If you have a very unique Aavegotchi that people want to buy... you should factor in your starting costs plus the money inside your Aavegotchi as your minimum exit price.

Method #2 - Make Your Gotchi Stand Out from the Rest


  • Have a look at what Gotchis have been sold
  • Giving your Gotchi a great name is really important because Aavegotchi names operate like domain names. Once you successfully name your Aavegotchi, only that Gotchi has that name.
  • So imagine if you had an Aavegotchi pet name Elon Musk or DonaldTrump, all this can play as part of your strategy to make your Aavegotchi more valuable than others.
  • The game launch (Haunt 1) only released 10,000 Aavegotchis. So there are plenty of names waiting for you to capture right now.
  • Dress your Aavegotchi up to character with wearables.

Method #3 - Rarity Farming


This is my favorite method and is what excites me most about Aavegotchi. The full detail of rarity farming can be read here.

But... allow me to break it into two simple parts for you.

  • Increase the rarity of your Aavegotchi
  • Earning Season Rewards.

3.1 / Increasing the Rarity of Your Aavegotchi

Firstly, how do you choose your Aavegotchi?


General rule of thumb, any number in the middle is not good. A trait that either has a really low score (0-30) or really high score (70-100) will contribute to a higher rarity score. The highest rarity score is 600. The chance of getting a perfect score Aavegotchi from a portal is 0.000000064%.

  • Any Aavegotchi with > 500 BRS is pretty decent.
  • Soon we would know better when the developers release sub graphs so we can find out how our Aavegotchi compares to others in the larger ecosystem.
  • Like most games, you can level up your Aavegotchi by earning XP playing games (in the upcoming Metaverse) or by participating in voting inside the AavegotchiDAO. Every 3 level up allows you to tweak the trait numbers up or down once, augmenting your BRS score.

3.2 / Earning Season Rewards

Now, this is where it gets really interesting.

Why? Because traditionally... say Pokemon cards... when the Pokemon Company sells booster packs and crate loads of products, the revenue earned goes to the company, then they pay staff and salaries; then the profits distributed to the company shareholders.

In Aavegotchi, for every revenue earned (e.g. portals sold during launch):

  • 33% is burned. 🔥🔥🔥
  • 17% is used to pay the developers.
  • 10% goes into a community treasury... and;
  • 40% goes back to the players in Season Rewards! 😲😲😲


Season One shall officially begin on April 20 (4/20) for 8 weeks.

The reward pool for Season One has been finalized to be 1.4 million GHST (approx. $2 million USD).

In this season, the top 5,000 Aavegotchis are capable to win GHST based on:

  • Rarity Score

  • Kinship

  • XP

Now you can circle back and read the more detailed article on how you should strategize and compete in each category for Season 1.

Recap Summary

Ultimately, a game must be fun to play in order to gain long term success.

As of now, Aavegotchi appears to be heading in a promising direction. It's easy to understand yet can go very deep... just as how great games should. I personally look forward to playing my Aavegotchis in the Metaverse.

Meanwhile, I hope you use this guide to squeeze the maximum benefit from your Aavegotchi game experience.

  • ✅ How to get ETH
  • ✅ Migrate your ETH to Polygon (formerly Matic)
  • ✅ Buy GHST using Quickswap
  • ✅ Buy a portal from Baazaar
  • ✅ Summon an Aavegotchi
  • ✅ Earn more money with your Aavegotchi

Looking forward to the results of Season One. See you on the Aavegotchi side. Best of luck!



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