I might write down random things too so please bear with me XD Ohh !! I hope I can find and make new friends too yay! Pardon me for any grammatical error ^_^" I'll try my best to improve my English.
Your guess is right! This is me but please don't trust this photo because nowadays I rarely wear my contact lens and I look exactly like your next door Malay auntie except your next door auntie might be beautiful and stylish meanwhile I am no different with.... potato?
Currently I am working as a web designer and hopefully, once I finished my contract, I am able to give full commitment to become a fulltime artist and accept commissions. So here I attached some of my artworks :
Fyi, I'm big fan of Naruto and I ship NaruHina too
So yeah, if you're interested to see more of my artworks feel free to visit and follow my Instagram account.
I guess I will stop for now because I'm using my working hour to update my Steemit. Ops! Please don't tell my boss XD Next upcoming post I will share with you how I normally paint my artwork. Stay tuned and thank you for your time!
Yayy welcome to Steemit!! I was thinking your eye color looks beautiful but now I know they're actually contacts! Looking forward to seeing your watercolor process in the future because I have such a hard time with traditional media like paints, haha.
Thank you so much! Luckily I mentioned I'm wearing contacts XD I probably gonna update about it in this week. So, please wait for me hehe
Welcome to Steemit Lynn! (´꒳`)
Yayyy hehe thank you Nyna !
Welcome to steemit ^^
Hi there! Thank you so much
Hi @bylynnamalina. Nice to meet you and welcome to steemit.
Welcome to the community! Looking forward to more stuff from you :)
Welcome to Steemit! And yes Malaysian aunties are way too stylish than youngsters nowadays hahahah 😂 Potatoes unite!
Thank you so much
Ikr! I should save up more money to buy clothes instead of buying art supplies so that I can be stylish as them hahaha. Btw nice to meet you ^_^
Looking forward to see your paintings! :D
And wow, I've never seen so many cute gif in one post.
Hi there nice to meet you
I hope you don't mind with all these cute emojis XD