It was a close competition, winning by just 6 votes give @danielwong enough advantage to win the 3rd and final round of season 1 OK Bah Open Mic Contest.
Congratulation to @danielwong and his talented drummer son. Thank you to the rest that participated. i hope you guys had fun in being part of this contest. Thank you to everyone that voted too.
I started this open mic contest 23 days ago, this basically means to complete 1 season take roughly 1 month. Time passes really fast, I Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for supporting. i honestly has a lot of fun and inspired by your bravery while watching you guys sing.
So, Ladies and Gentlement, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages. Here is the 3 Winner of for each rounds on OK BAH Open Mic Contest. They will now compete against each other in a Final Showdown. However, the details of the rules and the prize for the showdown will be announced soon. So take a break or start warming up, get a vocal coach from @bitrocker2020 if you need too. I see you soon . Cheers .
Good luck to @darryljonesjr @michelleloh168 & @danielwong
Congrates to all the winners @darryljonesjr, @michelleloh168 & @danielwong. Congrates to @danieldoughty for organizing.
Congrates to @darryljonesjr @michelleloh168 @danielwong for being selected to the final round! Can’t wait for the singing videos and Do the best you all!
congratulations, @darryljonesjr, @michelleloh168, @danielwong!
Good luck to the winners! Bring it