My Story: Affordable Home turns into Social Business

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

Can the pursuit of an Affordable Home be turned into a Social Business? This is exactly what is happening at Hypercube --- a LEAN Property (not low cost) and a working proto-type / business model of the Sharing Economy or Commons (which I called the Third Choice, after Capitalism and Socialism). In fact, I have just published a book (entitled THIRD CHOICE) especially to deliberate on this combination of Affordable Home and Social Business.
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The proto-type / business model or Hypercube (already endorsed by more than 500 persons who experienced short-term / long-term stays on-site) is based on Sharing Economy in forming the Commons very similar to co-operatives. However, properties would be acquired using the LEAN Logic (by Dr. David Fleming) forming LEAN Property (minimum acquisition cost but not necessarily low-cost, with maximum benefits functionally, financially, socially and culturally), and built in accordance to Ethical Design principle (Systems Thinking & Systems Living).
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The LEAN Property is an Eco-system that combines Consumption, Investment and Lean Business Startup that results in business and property chain ownership. More importantly, this also leads to a holistic lifestyle of Live-Work-Travel-Learn-Play (LWTLP), resulting in attainment of Health, Wealth and Happiness (HWH) or Prosperity. More than 500 persons had provided references for their stays at Hypercube.


The Hypercube Model is also attempting to solve the problem of Affordable Housing and Unemployment or Underemployment in one single stroke, by combining LEAN property with LEAN Startup.
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The Hypercube Model is also suitable for housing developers and management corporations to service the house buyers and residents in their projects. It could be an excellent after-sale service for customers and show-casing their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

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