i m a 24/7 housewife. with four wonderful children. im age 52. i hv a lovable hubby. he sometimes make angry also makes me horny. as for my children....they always make me angry but also makes me happy. i play darts with them everywhere they go for tournaments. i have a big goal in life and that is to establish an education centre to help change people's lives. at the meantime i have a business in live cells therapy.....and had a big network in the philippines also other parts of the world as far as in the usa with the vision and mission to help humankind to regain health n change their families lives....all in one!i m introduced by @alexliow and @danieldoughty to this steemit world.
I suggest you change your introduction tag to introduceyourself
i m waiting for u to come back n tech me in details
Saya pun tunggu you balik tu @dannieldoughty
Welcome aboard to TeamMalaysia
Welcome to steemit world 🌎
Your introduceyourself tagged is wrongly spelled