 7 years ago (edited) 

Please explain more about how he tried to scam you ? And one thing you could have asked us for help for the Kidney victim, we would have helped. Just came to know about the program when we looked your steemit profile. If we can still help then we will be happy. We are broke right now but we can help something and ask our followers to help !

Thank you so much for your interest in donation. They are at india now for further medication .and I have my exam .if I run such campaign , will ask you for help. Thnx for your words. I wanted to change my sbd to btc and he was trying to help me. And I asked him to teach me , how I can do myself he was just forcing me to send him sbd and he will convert them .thank god I denied his offer. Because his profile was fake. If someone is hiding his identity, why should we trust him.he was talking with one fb account . There was not a single photo too.

He was talking me for 2 years and acting like very good friend. He seemed to be very excited about the future of teamnepal and I was in trap. I am very glad we recovered !

Glad to know you guys are recovered. I didnt knew that you were scammed. I would also have helped to save pride of nepal .never thought people nac give up their pride and prestige in such low price . He never knew that his prestige won't rise infront of you

Not only infront of me, almost 200 people knows he is a scammer and they should not deal with him. Thank you for your kind words to help !