How did I found my happiness...

in #teamserbia6 years ago (edited)

It was one of the usual days when I spend some time on a bicycle along the Danube route from Novi Sad to the "Begecka jama", not expecting that day to be one of the most beautiful days of my life. By driving, I saw him ... A little cramped, thin and frightened. He was so afraid, that he didn't want to come for the water I gave him in that hot July day. He moved to the edge of some kind of construction, behind the edge was 4 - 5m height. I gave up ... I went forward and after 20 m I heard a strong wrap and whining. I realized that he wanted me to come back. I decided to do that. I was right. Suddenly he started to jump on my bicycle, I knew he felt that if I left him now, it would be forever. I was ready to put him in the backpack and see how will he react. Everything was perfect ...



From that moment, we were never separated.




 Even though my old dog had a problem with him, and I wanted to gave him to adoption, they were slowly getting along and make incredible connection.



He is getting along now even with cats and mice, and there is no better dog than him. Today, after two years, the backpack is remembered as a salvation and one way of transportation, so he enter in it by himself.




 After some time , we were passing through the place were I've found him and met shepherd that recognize him. He told me that he was thrown away form a car and waiting for more then a month, on same place, that they pick him back... He couldn't help because he live poor life with 4 dogs already. Luckily, I could... From a starved animal which one ate a crumpled dried sparrow on my eyes, he is now a small naturalist, who has a basket instead of a backpack, and likes to pose in the breaks we make in our walks and live like every dog deserve to live.










What a wonderful rescue story!
I am so happy for the both of you <3 <3 <3 <3

:) Thank you. And I'm so grateful to you, because you take care of at least 180 dogs :D

:D I simply do what I can <3
And now you will help them too! ^_^

Divno! Tako sam se istopila i raznežila! Sve najbolje.

Hvala puno :)

precakano zaista, ne bih imala nista drugo za reci <3

:) Drago mi je da ima jos onih koji saosecaju sa svim ovim nesrecnim dusama. :)

Sometimes I do have plans about shooting... But those images are mostly connected with horror theme I really like. On the other way.. I spend a lot of time in walks and hiking, so in these moments I take shoots when i see something I like...