Know your future.

in #teamsouthafrica6 years ago (edited)

girl in pathway of wood.jpg

God did not leave you in the gutter of desolation and wastes. He called you to His purpose. He is using me to tell you that your calling is not simply something that you desired, it is an invitation by which God has called you into the fulfilment of what Father God has written in God's books about you. Your task is an invitation from God. It is God inviting you to assist and walk in the dream that He has for your future.

He did not leave you destitute and a failure with no opportunity to obtain wealth. God called you to the purpose of His future for you. It is His invitation to you to fulfil what He wants you to become.

It is a serious matter. It is a task to assist God and others in His Kingdom after the manner of your calling.

So the question became which of your desires are from God and which of them originates from your self without God? What is it that God wants you to do? How is He going to provide for it? In what manner is your work, your sowing and reaping going to assist God in providing for you to do this thing that God called you to do? Can the reward of your work in reaping a harvest supply the funds needed to pay for the fulfilment of God's plan?

God has to tell us what to do. He has to spell out our tasks. He has to show us the way to walk. He must give us the faith to choose to desire His invitation. He must replace our own desires of the selfish self with His desires so that we can be one in attitude and plan and mind with Him.
God must will in us the power and desire to do His will so that we might walk worthy of our invitation with which He calls us. That we will fully serve God and not our own schemes.

Pray this prayer if you want to know what Jesus sees that Father God wants you to do: Father God I pray that you will show me what you want me to do. Please Jesus save my soul from my sin. Come to live within me so that your Kingdom might also come into my life. Invite me, by calling me by my name to do something where I can assist you in extending your kingdom. Thank you that you have a future and a hope for me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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