If shops sold lives would you go and steal a better one for yourself, presuming it was sold at ridiculous prices? Some of mankind has morals and stealing is like the bottom of the pit but would you make that sacrifice? When we tell a story to someone do we sugarcoat too much, is this good? Does it help us to perceive that life is all that on a subconscious level? Do the little things really matter, like the fact that in my blog #7 came after #8? Or when we go shopping and buy salt, Iodated or non iodated salt? Do we even know the difference? It seems as if shops sell better lives after all, happiness is perceived to come from materialistic things. If materialistic things provide momentary happiness is it worth it to have the unnecessary? Wouldn’t you rather buy the necessary that will assist in your lifelong happiness? “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime”. I choose to be schooled by the wise when opportunity presents itself so that one day I can school the eager. There is a few of our fellow humans that only think as far as they see, this can prove to be a problem because in some poverty arrears what they see gives them a bad perspective on the world and then they automatically adapt to what the media presents for example the negative infused with the flashy. Be real, be you, is that a good thing to say to someone that doesn’t even understand good or mercy?. “Living life like a video”, Google it, understand it, apply logic and set an example of productiveness whilst being innovative in all aspects of your life, contribute to a better society and like they say “take advice not orders”. Right enough you didn’t ask for life you were just brought into it but I think it would be kind of cool if we made the most of if without worrying about getting murdered, robed or wronged in way. How does it even stop when what most do is turn a blind eye, until they become the victim and ask why?
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