Moments are fleeting,
Do we hold on?
Do we let go?
The future is not something anyone knows.
Faith and trust are leaps into the abyss
Its courage that allows us to push through the trails
its the compromise that gives you those extra miles.

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Its letting your guard down that gives you those smiles .
Those wrinkles around your eyes.
those facial expressions you have for me, those you have for the guys.
Every moment is worth it.
not because you are in it, but because you simply chose me.
And despite it all , irrespective of what you do.
I will chose you.
For all the reasons that is fair.
For all the reasons that's right,
To straighten my faith,
To Strengthen my might.
I thank you . only you.. Always you..
Until Next time ...

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone
Great poem!
4.50% @pushup from @fates