Where Are You At?

in #teamsouthafrica7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes we stare into the distance,
While waiting for your food to heat up in the microwave,
Whilst the that device boots up.
Standing at a traffic light, waiting for that reply on your messenger.

Our minds drift and sometimes we use this time to mentally prep a checklist in our heads,
Sometimes we just start singing or whistling.
For me my mind, travels back to that super cringe flashback of doing that stupid thing that one time.

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Our minds do crazy things, that makes me wonder even more..
Like when that cringe moment happened, and what happened after that, to end up thinking about a scene in a movie, to then wondering about how Gangnam style was a thing, and then...

...The Microwave goes beep, the device is booted, you get that reply on your phone.. the green walking man is visible...
and we move on with our lives.

Its awesome that our neural paths just flow freely that we often don't think, as thinking is work. Instead we wonder.. and drift..and somehow relax that mental muscle.

Even though we may not fully present in a moment we are always there, sometimes the voice in my head talks way too much, and all I need is that 'beep' from the microwave to bring me back...

Where do you drift off to?

Until next time...

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Most times... I drift into the future.. Envisioning all the beautiful things I have acquired.. Other times I just look back on where it all started.. And realize it's been worth it.. When I get disconnected from it, it gives me a reason to hold on

That's so motivating and positive!
You always have reason to hold on. In life things can gets really hard, and we look back and see that we survived that crap.. and are capable of so much more.
Keep at it and I'm sure you'll be acquiring all those wonderful thing.

Thanks dear.. Yes I believe I will.. There's no reason not to.. Thanks for the booster

Where are you, indeed. People often associate themselves with the constant arising of thoughts, but that might just be the least 'you' thing about you.

I fully agree. I think most of it is just brain farts lol.
But I also seem them like I do dreams, blurry randomness that might not always be random.

Oh wow. My mind drifts all the time. It's hard to pinpoint it towards a specific topic or area. I suppose it depends on what emotional state I'm in alot of the times. If I'm overloaded with work, it will be flashes of what has past or what might come. If I'm thinking about a specific idea, my mind floates all around that. What, where, how... I also get those "omg, what did I do/say. How could I have recovered better" flashbacks at times. Those are the worst, lol. Then, like you said, we move on.

It's awesome that we all relate to it.
I think of those awkward moments and what we would do differently if presented with the chance.. And If like to believe it our minds way of gaining wisdom.

With certain topics, it's like mental preparation for what it ahead or how to deal with what is past.

I find myself drifting to Steemit conversations and ideas more than I should lately. My restful creativity has been postponed with obsession. I think it will subside... eventually!!

I would not see it as obsession but as passion.
You are coming back to it because it gives you something you want...

The ability to express? Connect? Learn? Exposure? Rewards? Feeling valued? Something..

Moderation is key I guess but do not deny yourself of the things that make you happy, or you wouldn't be as true to yourself as you could be.

Good point thanks!

I hate the cringe moment ones. Sometimes I find myself closing my eyes and shaking my head so it will go away haha.

I always used to think I'm so weird, but I think we all are, sometimes we just gotta be courageous enough to show it. hehe