if you want something done...

in #teamsouthafrica7 years ago


you must have all heard of the expression, "if you want something done, go to a busy person".

Don't go to seek the assistance of a person who obviously has a lot of time. Usually those are the people who won't get around to doing it. Even though the busy person is fully occupied, they will "make a plan" and help out. In reflection, it is quite obvious, the busy person does things, the idle person is idle for that very reason and that reason is "they don't really want to do anything".

As a bit of background, I originate from the coastal areas of South Africa, the Eastern Cape. The place is called East London, it can be classified as a big town or a small city. There people tend to be self depreciating (they don't blow their own trumpet) and don't sell themselves through a carefully cultivated self promotion programme. Make no mistake we still take a great deal of personal pride in what we do.

(East London City hall, the East London Chess Club played in a hall at the back.)

In 2002 my family relocated to the Gauteng region where we have remained ever since. Here things are quite different. Here it seems as though people must sell themselves. I personally dislike it. I would prefer it if my work and professional skills could speak for themselves. The problem with this approach is poor marketing of one's self.


Now I must confess that I am not "the busy person", but that person is my wife. She is a busy person. Our family does not have a domestic worker. So even though I may do a bit here and there to help, my efforts are paltry in comparison to hers. My girls also help a bit here and there. Now my wife has the same mindset as me, we are uncomfortable selling ourselves.

But she does mix with the self-promoter in her work environment. How many times have I seen the self-promoters take credit for her hard efforts. Do you know of such people in your life? I have seen a few but as I tend to sit nearer the top of the tree, it does not happen too often. But my wife is one who battles in the trenches. Yet she continues to soldier on, doing the work even though no outward expression of gratitude ever occurs.

You may think, why would a person need thanks for doing their job? After all remuneration is the end result of working. Fair enough I say, I will grant you that particular thought.

What about when the scope of the task undertaken is wholly at the initiative of my wife? What if many hours of her home life are sacrificed without complain or expectation of reward? Admirable. Why would a person continue to serve at such high levels? Competence and the associated reward of self improvement and self satisfaction.

She has knitted, crochetted, crafted thousands (yes thousands, not hundreds or less) of things for others. She does it unconsciously and continually. She always "does stuff". Very seldom does she do "stuff" for herself.

Having such a mind set is a wonderful talent. Her ability to inquire, learn and do new things is remarkable and fascinating to watch. I am sometimes roped in to help when deadlines approach and time becomes scarce.

She is not fully appreciated by those around her, yet how can they? If a person does not have a comparable skill set, they just cannot understand. They may think they can, yet they can't. Why?

The answer is simple.

Because they don't do.

A simple illustration. The armchair sports critic. He watches his favourite team and they lose. The critic rants and raves about the mistakes or lost opportunities that weren't taken. "what was that guy thinking? why didn't he do "this or that"?

I am a baby chess player. When I watch the grand masters playing, I just am amazed. I actually have very little comprehension or understanding of what they are doing. Their genius boggles my mind. There are so many areas in life where the observer has no clue of the years of sacrifice and training that take place behind the glare of publicity. I listen to music and the perfect skills of the musical performer are incredible to me. I have had four girls playing the piano throughout their lives when at home. The hundreds of hours of practice still have them making the odd error. The professional does not seem to make any such mistakes.


Have you ever watched any table tennis on You tube? I have. I love table tennis too, but I cannot comprehend the professional table tennis player's skill. Some times these masters show the public a little bit of how they train. Hours upon hours upon hours. Days upon days upon days. Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into years.

(astonishing visual spectacle)

the Observer cannot be compared to the Do-er. The chef cannot be compared to the food critic.

No, life is to be experienced through DOING. To do is to be. Deeds make habits. Habits make character. I am a fortunate man to have the wife that I do.


I adhere to the rule, if you do the job, it's only good. And how horrible it is better not to do at all. You are right if a person chooses an occupation to his liking in the end he will become a professional in his business. And he will know his own worth. That is life :)

I am impressed to read your article sir

I agree with you.
Like @fred703

great content sir. I always like your article.

Great article sir @fred703. I always learn something new from your every article. Keep up your great job.

Another wonderful writing about our
real life sir @fred703

Even so, we must admire our skill.
we are so gracefully insane

Skill has a value...
Without skill a person has no value..

maybe if we only consider what we see, yet all people have unlimited potential. but it all starts with the mind

I always like to read your article ...Great content...sir @fred703

Beautiful article sir. I always appreciate your wonderful writing.

Very nice and excellent idea provided in the blog.If we want to achieve goals we have to work hard. The busy persons are actually hard worker. High value content blog, i really appreciate for writing such articles.

Yeah you are right.Every failure man is a successful person.you learn everyday of life.white flower looks so beautiful.Ches is my favrite game.chess is more interesting game.many play this game daily.All of these players are very good playing.and tenis is also interesting game.I really like tenis game.such a valuable post.i always learned your post.thanks for sharing.

First rate manner of reviewing from inside our very own perspective, people who exit helping many with out question, by no means looking for reward are seldom diagnosed for tremendous accomplishment. folks who sell themselves from hilltops, making a song their personal praise are the ones I commonly try to keep away from! @fred703

completely agree

Yep you are @Right

Excellent way of reviewing from within our own perspective, people who go out assisting many without question, never seeking reward are seldom recognized for amazing accomplishment.

Those who sell themselves from hilltops, singing their own praise are the ones I normally try to avoid!

its a struggle for me to see the real person behind their marketed facade

Great full photography my best friend. I like it your great full post. thanks for sharing your beautiful life my best friend.

Well, i am totally agreed with you, They busy person may have done more work then the idle person, He may have more experience of failures, and Every failure teaches you something!

very true, failure can be a friend, but is in disguise. reflection from ourselves peels away the mask of our own disappointment

Yes you are right sir, the person who work continuously will have more skills and he can do the work more accurately.

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 7 years ago  Reveal Comment