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RE: Who Knocked You Down A Peg Or Too Many?

in #teamsouthafrica7 years ago

When I coached little league baseball we would frequently encounter kids who would be afraid to swing the bat. Afraid they’d miss or afraid they’d hit into an out. We would explain that if they just stood there chances were high that they would strike out.

In baseball and in life, good things happen when you take a swing at it.


I love that! It's also a weird thing that kids feel so much pressure that they are afraid to strike out...

I wonder if it's a human thing or if it's been conditioned

I believe it’s a personality trait, but I also believe we are conditioning our kids and making it worse.

I have one kid who was (and still is) afraid to take a swing. My too others are less cautious.

I think we need to allow a little failure. They come to realize it isn’t the end of the world.

It like I tell my boys about asking girls out. “Go ahead and ask, what’s the worst thing that could happen? She says, No.” So what?”

Of course now that I’m older and wiser (and married) I realize that sometimes the worst thing that could happen is she says “yes”. Lol


I also believe its the influences of the world around us, We all want to hear the feel good story, people constantly share their successes and achievements.
But because struggles aren't shares, some don't think its human to struggle and fail now and then.