It was INCERTO editor Nassim Taleb who coined the term "Intellectual Yet Idiot". Taleb's influential article was published in 2016. In summary he says such individuals are characterized by the following:
- Education: Almost always attend “elite universities,” such as the Ivy League or Oxbridge. NOTE: Most students at these schools are not IYIs, but a decent percentage qualify.
- Industries: Tend to have experience mostly in academia, the government, “think tanks,” and the mainstream media.
- Skin in the Game: None. They advocate for or against policies from which they never feel the negative effects, making such advocacy meaningless.
- Media: Like The New Yorker and TED talks (ugh).
And, most importantly, the IYI never deadlifts - they never really start from nothing and create something original.
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with out education no man can be suceeded
Education Sucks!
You are right
How do you know that?
because i always want to stay at home while my parents are forcing me to go to school
HAHA did they rent movies for you?
They dont allow to watch movies