November 1, 1991.
The gunman was Gang Lu, a 28-year-old former graduate student at the University of lowa. He killed 4 persons the university's faculty and a student. Gang Lu was a physics and astronomy student .
1.Christoph K. Goertz, professor of physics and astronomy
2.Robert A. Smith, associate professor of physics and astronomy
3.Dwight R. Nicholson, chairman of the physics and astronomy department
4.Linhua Shan , Gang Lu's roommate
This is Kushol Tahsin from @steemitk. I just upvoted this post with a reply.
Kushol Tahsin
Hi !
Mohammad Samsuzzoha
This is Mohammad Samsuzzoha from @samsuzzoha. I just upvoted this post with a reply. @samsuzzoha