What are the things in your life that light you up? The things you do that make your blood sparkle and excitement dance around you? Things that are inherently you... you know, those weird little quirks that just make life bright and shiny.
For me... it's finding things. I know, I know, that sounds a bit random... but bear with me. I mean searching and collecting specific bits and pieces. I've always had pockets full of finds! Of course - now this hobby has a fancy-pants name - ending in "larking". Mudlarking for hunting along rivers, Fieldlarking for fields, beachlarking for seaside escapades, and even houselarking for finding treasure inside buildings and homes.
I've always loved bottle dumps and old fire pits. Anywhere I can dig up antique glass or maybe find an old key or two. When I moved up to the islands, I did wonder if I'd ever get the chance to lark again! I needn't have worried though... we've discovered a beach covered in pottery shards. It's brilliant fun to wrap up and fight the wind in order to fill our pockets with this gorgeous treasure!
Of course, the shards are a bit harder to display than bottles... but I remembered I had a couple of unused wooden "canvases" from when I was oil painting. I turned them over and white-washed them... and voila! With a little bit of help from my hot glue gun, they make a fairly decent display - with an in-built frame! What do you think?
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What are the things in your life that light you up?
Oh, hmmm, fire. Sometimes the sun. LED, too... and of course, incandescant. But less so these days.
Metal halides, too in parking lots...
The things you do that make your blood sparkle?
I once took a glitter gun to the face. I imagine lots of things, not just my blood, was sparkly. For sure, I was afraid to check out the Toilet, for some time, after... imagine? THAT, would scare me, too.
...and excitement dance around you?
Well, for sure, dancers. And bodies, swaying, on some nights.
Things that are inherently you... you know, those weird little quirks that just make life bright and shiny?
Easiest of all to answer:
The Sea. Being nearest the salty ocean. Hearing the soft breaking waves... gentle sounds of sand sizzling, when the tiniest wave comes ashore. The deafening pounding of surf, against the shore, in the middle of a midnight storm! Even a mile or so inland, I can hear those storms at night. Sometimes over the sounds of rains, slapping against glass windows. A storm, by the sea, or on the sea... all of my sense are alive. All of them. I experience, the entire storm. The scent of salt, the taste if it. Stinging my skin in a biting wind. Hearing the roar. Feeling the winds push me over. Seeing the roiling, bubbling white on top of the crests of waves...
Reading and writing, too, some saucy bit if erotica... that sends me! Walking hand in hand. Sometimes, that simple little gesture is the most intimate of moves. I love hearing the sound that sneaks past a special friend's lips, as I kiss the back of a neck, too. I love the smile, and the sighs, of joy, as someone I love is eating a meal I made specially for them. I love the feeling of pleasure, in making someone else happy.
Omf - a glitter gun to the face? That means you're perma-sparkly (I knew that already though!!)
I'm with you by the sea - and I know that wonderful sound of sand sizzling (best description ever!) Living on the point, we have the sea on 3 sides - just wonderful. What a comment... made me sigh and go aww and wiggle my eyebrows all in one go! E x