Cruising isn't my cup of tea as you're restricted to the places you can go and for how long, I prefer to do my own stuff and itinerary. But this year was a bit different, I just needed to get away and found some really good deals, too good to pass over!!!
Sorry to hear that your year was a bit unlucky, hopefully nothing too major. All the best for 2023, upwards and forwards!
Sorry for the delay @livinguktaiwan! It has been a very busy days. No, don't worry, an unlucky year, but nothing that can't be fixed, it always goes on ;).
I understand, yes sometimes there are super offers for cruises, but from what you tell me, you too like to be free when you go on a trip. I like to travel by car, so I can move wherever I want to go. One year with a friend we traveled 5000 km by car between Italy, Germany and Holland, it was a bit tiring but very beautiful.
I wish you a beautiful 2023, which brings many satisfactions in everything.