. you are being wounded more than you are being healed.
image source google
. You are no longer allowed to grow, to be best of who you are.
. You have lost your laughter and /or your deeams.
. You are not being helped to love yourself more.
. What you're offering can no longer be received and appreciated and you are not receiving what is needed.
. Your inputs and efforts are watered down and not acknowledge or enjoyed.
. Your imperfect actions are blown open, sometimes louder than you deserve.
. Forgiveness becomes a difficult gift to offer for everytime you ere.
. Your feelings are ignored trampled upon and not worth discussing.
. You are degraded and compared with other person's who are probably standing out in their relationship instead of being helped.
. You are beaten, assaulted and dehumanised
Thanks to @surpassinggoogle for given us a platform to share teardrops stories.
Thanks for reading
Still @jennyluv!!!
Wonderful post my luv, you are right !!! I thought That one is loved to be loved back in a relationship but the reverse is now the case because love is no more in vogue and it is no more regarded as give and take. Lo!!!!. My thumbs are up for jennyluv.
Thanks sweety.
Nice post