Greetings of Monday rush steem buddies! Yes, its a busy day indeed for us, no time to be in a vacation mode because of the deadline for our clearance! We need to comply the necessary documents for us to be cleared and fully enjoy our summer vacation as teachers! We need to pass the IPCRF or the Individual Plan of Commitment and Review Form with a lot of attachments serving as supporting papers for our teachers rating. With a lot of documents to pass its time to switch the panic button because today is the last day of signing our clearance.
Its all like a blitzkrieg for us, we need to wrap all the important documents like IPLAN daily and monthly monitoring form, activity sheets, instructional materials, SIM, proof of the implementation of classroom rules with students signature, monitoring of group assignments and daily routines, report cards, students portfolio, students nutritional status, pre-test and post test results, test questions with table of specifications, class records, conduct of remedial class with the list of students and schedule of remediation, a lot of school forms like SF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, form 14, form 137-A, form 138, gradesheets and anecdotal records, minutes of every PTA meetings, home visitation form and documentation, evidences of community involvement, initiated projects, publications, and action research, participated in teachers organization and finally special recognition and awards!
Oh my.....ohhhh...its really such a root digging task but we need to do it. Actually we teachers are use to in beating the deadlines; this is the call of our duty. We need to go always with an extra mile of giving our service. And today is just another normal day of hardwork, we made and pass it with flying colors.
Wala'y kinutuban og walay lain pa ang among masandalan kundili kami ra!
This are the lines that we should always remember that life is limitless and its up to us to go beyond our limits!
After defying the limits of life you will free yourself from stress by having the time of our life by unwinding with friends and families. Therefore, take time to go out, recharge and enjoy the beauty of nature this summer vacation!
Your Steem Buddy,
Thank you @zarzish!more power....
I just wonder what's that thing at the lower part of picture??? at first glance, I thought it is a SNAKE!!! haha.. but maybe my imagination is just exaggerated...Nice photo @nickjon .... nice post!
Its a butterfly @maylyn09! Super thanks and more power!