It is important for a person to have income or income each day because every Seconds every minute we spend money, because we have many needs as a person, that is our diet everyday We have income from day to day, how do we help our family if we have no income each day, what we can afford all our needs without income. In this case if we do not have daily income today we will work hard to find a job, to earn income to meet our needs, because today is very difficult if we do not have income everyday, because the difficulty life now.
We should not deal with our situation right now, we must always work to find a job and have our own income so we can use our daily needs, so we do not lose the ASA if we do not have a job, we can find and just find ourselves again , so we can have our own job to have the resources we spend on everyday. So let's not lose hope, we should work hard to find a job for our income everyday, and we can use and spend every moment that we need money for our needs, do not lose hoping for this opportunity without us, because the day will come when we find a job and have a source for our daily, diligent and persistent needs in our lives.