Microsoft's Bing Isn't a Joke Anymore

in #tech8 years ago
 Bing has long occupied a place in Microsoft's gallery of boneheaded products with the Zune music player, Clippy and the little-remembered Kin smartphone. Microsoft spent billions of dollars of shareholder money in a quixotic attempt to build a web-and-search empire that could compete with Google. Even the name Bing is worthy of ridicule.Bing  is still no Google. But without much notice on Wall Street or beyond,  Microsoft has turned into a quiet giant in digital advertising.Bing  is on track to generate roughly $5.3 billion in revenue for Microsoft's  fiscal year ended June 30, based on the pace of sales during the  previous nine months. Here's some context: Web search and advertising  are among Microsoft's lowest-priority businesses, yet Bing's revenue is  more than Yahoo's sales over the last 12 months, and two-and-a-half  times Twitter's advertising revenue.  Bing's yearly revenue may top what Microsoft makes from selling Windows PCs to consumers, based on some rough 2015 disclosures.Revenue  is also growing nicely. Bing's 43 percent growth in search advertising  revenue in the nine months ended March 31 is not far off YouTube's 50  percent growth rate, UBS estimates. Microsoft has also managed to turn  Bing from a money pit that in some years posted billions of dollars in  operating losses into a business that Microsoft says is profitable. 

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There is one thing for sure. It is cheaper to buy traffic through M$ Bing. A click is a click when it comes to Internet Marketing! Is your account acting fine? Some people are getting hacked right now. Look at my breaking news post about it.

Good to know