MORE PROOF that A.I. was Predicted in the Bible!

in #tech7 years ago

It's fascinating to watch the fast approaching technological singularity and its evangelists discuss the ways in which they will literally, worship the AI. Perhaps most startling is the possibility that the Bible predicted these societal changes towards the end of the age. When reading passages like Revelation 13:15 and Daniel 2:43, an eerily accurate description of the world we are currently living in emerges. This is either the most unlikely coincidence, or an affirmation that the Word of God is true and applies to every generation in different but equally compelling ways.



Could the "incorruptible body" mentioned in Corinthians be a reference to AI?

According to the Bible demons can inhabit people and animals, Church history indicates that demons or fallen angels can manipulate the material world. I'm still wondering if much of this "AI" is just demonic or fallen angel activity, or fallen angel technology, that things like the "quantum" computers are actually more like an electronic modern ouija boards. And that the AI robots of the future could be demonically controlled.
