What's Done--What's Next?

in #tech5 years ago (edited)

January is over and, unlike last year, where I attempted to tackle one task, I worked on four separate skills.

The first skill was the interactive fiction app Twine. I managed to develop a simple quiz, and may spend a weekend doing a "Story Jam". I may also look at doing a interactive story during November, traditionally the month when many aspiring writers try and complete a novel.

The content management tool Drupal was next. Some issues with a site's file manager and its FTP servers led me to download a WAMP server. With a platform to work with, I quickly got an understanding of Drupal and with a quick refresher should be able to get a site live.

Some unfinished business was my third task. The holidays and extra hours at my job put my efforts to learn blockchain development on hold. I completed the basics of blockchain on the popular site Cryptozombies.

The finale is still in progress. I wanted to try and refresh my knowledge of Python. What was supposed to be a simple "Punch and Run" exercise stalled. I'm currently learning the basics of the SMS tool Twilio. The idea of combining this with enhancements like RiseUp VPN to make secure SMS services for organizations is something I would like to pursue. My virtual Ubuntu being called "ICEBreaker" should be a clue to my intents.

During all of this, the local paper changed their comment policy. They eliminated comments on the website itself. Readers can still comment on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, but this means my idea to do a YouTube program centered around the comments on the articles needs to be modified. The idea about doing a program dedicated to information security for activists is gaining traction.