Damore V Google Discrimination Lawsuit

in #tech7 years ago

Presented without comment in the interest of spreading information about the Damore Wrongful termination case at google. A fascinating look into one of the world's tech giants. For some reason PDFs can't be shared, so I'm including the link.

The suit makes the case for diversity of viewpoint as being a type of diversity being an important factor in running a team. I would love to hear from people who are educated about these sorts of issues as well as people who are just opinionated.


TL;DR - former google employee suing for termination; claims discrimination.


Note: I don't own the content, it was shared with me and I posted it in the interest of transparency and it being a newsworthy piece of information I believe to be publicly available in other places.

Or you can have Undoomed read the text to your. Which is kind of fun:


Also shameless plug to my own posting.

Haha. That sounds like a lot of fun.