I've never been a techie person but I do enjoy my iphone and a few of the modern gadgets. Doesn't it make you wonder how we existed before cell phones, computers and a host of other gadgets that are suppose to make our world better?
The first time I met Siri I didn't know what to think. From the beginning, I told my kids that Siri doesn't like me! LOL!
Ok, I know she's just a computer with a woman saying different phrases but sometimes we let our human emotions cross over.. after all humans are the ones we have talk to from birth not a computer name Siri or even Alexa.
My story ... A couple days ago I was on my phone just doing really nothing. I wasn't asking Siri anything but she spoke up out of no where and said, "I DON'T UNDERSTAND", then she went on to say "GET OFF."
Oh Wow! Was Siri bullying me?? 😱 How could she? She's just a computer, but I'm not and it hurt my feelings. She kept repeating the same thing even though I told her nicely that I'm sorry, but she never said anything. Do you think I'm nuts yet? 😎 Anyway, she kept repeating the same words. I took a screen shot of it.
I wonder how much we are being monitored or sensored. I've never been paranoid but I'm starting to wonder what the mystery is here.
I've watched the real Siri on youtube, her name is Susan Bennett. Here is a picture of the actual Susan Bennett..
I sure don't think Susan Bennett told me those bullying words but was it Apple or why did she say that?
Oh well, I'll leave you with a little conspiracy thinking..."Who is that little voice that we carry around and what does she know about me and you???
Great post!!
Upvoted! :)
Thank you so much!! Upvoted and following 😊
Loved your post and know how you feel, a while back I did a blog on cb radios that was the only way we could communicate from the car LOL
Thank you !! I remember our family had a cb radio too. My mother worried about me when I started driving. I had to call her when I arrived to my destination via cb radio LOL