I'm going to be starting a new tech live stream...

in #techchannellast year (edited)


Where nobody knows your name

Hi. If you like techie stuff and listening or watching things, boy do I have a surprise for you (not really). Live Lunch Lounge is half an hour of fun filled fan fare for far fetched fancy. I'll be talking about gadgets, gizmos--and yes--even whizbangs. Here's the way it all goes down:

Monday Moaning - Still delirious from the end of the weekend, the beginning of the day, and the long corridor of stagnant beige that is the week ahead, drag yourself into that lunch place--probably your desk if you don't escape the building--pop in an earbud or two and listen to someone other than your coworkers complain about something other than their families and traffic. I'm going to tell you exactly what I've been holding back about the worst of the worst devices I've reviewed so you can relax and listen to something different that doesn't matter at all.

Technically Tuesday - It still feels like it's Monday… oh, for all that is holy and just in this cruel world, why? Why?! All I can tell you to ease the pain–the haunting, cold tendrils of Monday's foul grip is that–well–it's Technically Tuesday. That means I’m going to dig something out of my electronics bins and try to smash something together in the half hour or so I’ve allotted myself. It might work, it might not, but the only way to know is to be there; Although, watching it on the live stream or a recording later is really the way I’d prefer you did it because being in my house would be creepy–for both of us, really.

Retro Wednesday - Yeah, I know it doesn’t start with the same letter. Look, it’s Wednesday, okay? I’ve been here for two-and-a-half days. Two. And. A. Half! I can’t be bothered to come up with more alliterations today, I have all those puns from last week to get to and Jerry’s never gonna stop riding my ass if I don’t get him a report on the punchlines-to-profit ratios, and I’ve got bad news for him since we don’t make an money. Well, until I have to deal with that, I’ll spend a half an hour going through some of the old junk I’ve got lying around. Half of it doesn’t work, but then again, neither do I… eh? eh? yeah? no? Ok, well, check out the stream anyway.

Theoretical Thursday - I probably made another alliteration but until we apply rigorous experimentation, it’s all really educated supposition and occasionally misguided speculation. It’s a good thing we don’t do any heavy lifting on Thursdays. It’s all about the ideas today. What can we come up with that’s possibly marketable, reasonably cost-effective, safe for the consumers, or at the very least, easy to extinguish? Let’s talk about what devices might do, should do, could do, and won’t do. Let’s even look at how we might combine the old and new to form the future. And then, we’ll duck out before lunch tomorrow–which means, no episodes on Friday.

I'll post details about when Live Lunch Lounge starts, but it'll probably be next week or the week after.