My robot part discovered this post, thank you for using the #techno tag.
My human part recommends, before you keep posting, to read the Steemit FAQ and then read The Beginner's Guide To Steemit by @ethandsmith.
Things here are different than on FB, TW, IG, SC, etc... We don't want to have this place full of ads for purchasing music (even if it's great music) if you don't provide some sort of value in your posts.
You may forget alltogether about Beatport, since you can make money here in form of Steem and Steem Backed Dollars.
If you are interested on how to make money as a musician on the Blockchain, check the Musician's Daily Checklist by @atomcollector and learn habits that will ensure your success.
You will only succeed on Steemit if you provide value to the community.
Feel free to follow the accounts @ultrablackhole follows, in order to see examples of people posting quality techno content.
Welcome to Steemit.