Space developments in medicine. The immersion bath.

in #technologies7 years ago (edited)

 Advanced technologies of the defense and space industries sooner or later become available to ordinary citizens. So became and with cellular communication and with the Internet. Teflon pans, duct tape and even a female strip - all inventions were once part of the military developments. Today, my article is devoted to one medical technology, a few years ago available only for astronauts.

The immersion bath

 The main problem of cosmonautics in the 70s of the last century was the harmful and little-studied impact of weightlessness on the health of astronauts. Technology race forced the Soviet Union and the United States significantly increase the time of stay of the crews in Earth orbit. However, the effects of weightlessness had a negative impact on the vestibular and musculoskeletal systems. The circulatory system was also disturbed. For a more detailed study of the problem it was necessary to simulate weightlessness on earth. The most obvious solution was to submerge the tester in water. Unfortunately, prolonged direct contact of the skin with water led to "maceration" (wetting, loosening) of the skin. And only later the Institute of biomedical problems offered a way out. It was suggested to use a bath filled with water, on top of which was stretched elastic and waterproof material. As a result, the body was immersed in the bath, e while remaining completely dry. After a long stay of the subject in the immersion bath, it was transplanted to a centrifuge, which imitated the landing. Thus, scientists were able to study the processes of cosmonauts ' adaptation to gravity after a long flight. Through such research, new developments appeared: special suits, spacesuits and shoes that helped to neutralize the impact of weightlessness.


 The most surprising in all this history it appeared that weightlessness is not only harmful for an organism, but also useful. Firstly, immersion baths were used for the rehabilitation of astronauts after long flights, and secondly, it turned out that the short-term effect of weightlessness, up to 60 minutes a day, is useful for the human body. Even during the tests on astronauts, doctors noticed that during the first hour of immersion all subjects felt comfortable. It turned out that short-term weightlessness allows you to relieve stress from the musculoskeletal system, relaxes muscles and joints, redistributes fluid in the body, normalizes blood circulation, has a calming effect. Further clinical trials have confirmed the positive, curative effect.
 Today, immersion baths are prescribed as treatment in conjunction with physiotherapy, not only for adults but also for children, including those suffering from cerebral palsy or premature. In addition to the classic water immersion, there are " dry " immersion baths, where fine sand is used instead of water. In fairness, it should be noted that immersion bath with water, officially also called "dry", because there is no direct contact of the body and fluid. Modern newfangled and expensive service "floating" - in fact has the same effect as immersion. The only difference is that when floating you dive directly into the water with a high salt content, which allows the body to stay afloat.

Checked personally

 I'm used to being sure about the things I write about in my articles. I decided this time to check it out for yourself. The course of immersion baths - 5 procedures of 45 minutes each. I go, undress to my underwear and lie down in the bath. Precisely "on", not"in." It turns out, for even submersion in water and "pop-up" after procedures, is envisaged a special mechanism. A certain sliding rigid platform, which is shifted or moved apart by means of a lever. It is perfectly visible in the first photo. After I have taken a horizontal position on the platform, the medical worker covers me with a blanket and starts turning the lever. I slowly dive into the rubberized fabric. Sensation unusual, on the one hand, the ease with another fabric pressure on the body under the influence of water has not been canceled. In any case, I do not feel any discomfort. In the room listen to pleasant relaxing music. The concern is just silly thoughts: "what would happen if the fabric is not strong enough" and "what to grab when it begins to sink". Thank God I didn't drown, peace, and even for 45 minutes a few times had to take a NAP. The procedure really relaxes not only muscles, but also consciousness. Some discomfort occurs only when surfacing, when under your body is again hard and rigid plate. At this point you're back at your real weight. It turns out that in 45 minutes the human brain has time to adapt to new sensations and gets used to feeling like such a cannon. A few seconds, the brain protests, so doctors recommend not to make quick and sudden movements a few moments.
 Some advertisements claim that one procedure of immersion replaces a healthy, seven-hour sleep. I hardly agree with such a bold marketing slogan, but the feeling of relaxation is not only physical, but also moral, after the procedure is really present. Discomfort in the lumbar region decreased significantly after the first session. Let's see what happens in five! Maybe even i'll look younger?

 P. S. To date, the range of indications, which designate the immersion bath is very wide. Sessions of " dry " immersion are effective in the treatment of diseases such as osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Behterev's disease, hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes, pancreatitis, gastric ulcer and other diseases.

Bless you!



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