Sex Robots....

in #technology7 years ago

(A sex robot ready for shipment to a client. Photograph by Jonathan Becker.)

Robots and AI are now in the early stages of taking over our world, but not in the “Terminator,” “I, Robot,” or “Matrix” ways. The robots are not hacking into our military systems to launch nuclear warheads, nor are they planning to use humans to be their power source. No, they are starting to take over in our bedrooms and in our homes in the form of sex dolls.

Though it’s still only the early stages, sex robots are slowly but surely increasing in popularity, especially among the male population. What’s more, the makers of these sex robots are continuously upgrading and enhancing their products, now offering dolls with AI that has the ability to learn important information about their owners like birthday and more. However, even if the sex dolls are meant to help lonely men, it’s not enough and is actually doing damage to women.

(RealDoll creator Matt McMullen in his office at Abyss Creations’ factory, outside San Diego. Photograph by Jonathan Becker.)

A Relationship Story With A Sex Doll – Sort Of

Take the story of David Mills, 57, who was interviewed by Men’s Health in 2016 for falling in love with his sex doll. Mills bought his sex doll in June of 2012 and called her Taffy, which he says sounded young and playful. He said he didn’t view what he has with Taffy as a "relationship", but he does find it appealing that what he has with Taffy is uncomplicated. He never has to worry about the doll taking advantage of him, which he says happened a lot with real females.

He shared that he still goes on dates with real women and sometimes tells them about the sex doll he has at home. There was even a time where he bought home a date and almost forgot that Taffy was at the bedroom. He had to excuse himself for a minute to cover the doll before letting his date come in the room. He’s still not convinced, though, that sex dolls can replace real women, as he believes he won’t be able to achieve a “real emotional intimacy” with Taffy. Given a choice, he would still choose to have sex with a real woman than a doll, most of the time.

(David Mills And his sex doll.)

The Problem With Sex Dolls

The creators of sex dolls, such as Abyss Creations and True Companion, are offering promises that are more than personal intimacy with their sex dolls and the sad part is that a lot of men are buying into this. But looking at it differently, sex dolls are actually being used as a way for men to live their sexual fantasies with women. Yes, people can argue that men are not actually harming any females in this regard as they are doing it with robots.

But these sex robots are representing the image that a lot of women are trying to change about them, which is they are just sex symbols that should submit and be dominated by men. The sex dolls are the women that came out of men’s fantasies, a pretty, sexy, and submissive woman who won’t object and have their own opinions.

(Kathleen Richardson, founder of Campaign Against Sex Robots)

My final thoughts

Computer technology improvements are taking huge strides. Although they are still in the early stages of development, it has a massive impact on the economy. Therefore, let's learn as much about it as we can for the greater good, hence, the world can benefit better. Please consider subscribing to my newsletter now for useful articles related to technology tips & tricks.



Even one of these would left me hehe

haha.... you can tie them at home..... they won't complaint :-P

Has anyone ever seen the 80's B Movie called "Cherry 2000?" That is what this makes me think of. It was a Mad Max style world in which this man's robot chick is destroyed and he travels to the ends of the earth to find a replica model of her.

just watched the trailer.. i think it will soon be a reality

had the same thoughts

I remember watching it a few times as a kid...

I can't wait to see somebody marry with a robot