It was announced last february in Dubai and it's real now, Dubai is testing self-flying taxis ! I don't know about you, but I always dreamt of being in a flying car .
Here is the video :
Ehang a Chinese company is producing those flying cars. Development is still at an early stage but they got some decent results !
Dubai would like to have 25% of its transportation automated ( self-driving taxis included ) by 2030 !
...I love this city, Have you been there ??
Thanks for reading my post, for more post like this one you can Follow me here !
Have a good sunday !
The video is broken. :(
Upvoted anyway... ;)
I think Dubai is a very advanced city but also a symbol of capitalism's crazyness and disproportionality. I like it and I don't like it.
Thanks for your vote ! have you been there ?
No, that goes far beyond my budget. :/