pretty crazy! I brought u up almost over $21 ! This is crazy that u can calculate income from satellites
see if u dont look rich enough the robot will just wipe you out they only want productive humans around!
hey I upvoted everyone in this comment section as a couple cent reward for commenting on my new discord friend @fredrikaa and @protoken hey guys good seein ya on the discordian chat
anyway im throwin pennies everywhere!
I want some pennies too! Make me a millionaire god dammit!
11 pennies issued good sir! hey its like im my own central bank Heyy!! get a loada me over ere Eyyyy"
, hey i upvoted ur recent blog posts and since they were pretty cool i gave u a follow, since u already have like $500 and its only been June 2017 since u joined and u have 1831 posts and 300 followers dude u will keep growing so u are a good person to have follow me!
:D Well your upvote didn't make me a millionaire but your words made me feel like one. I will be following your stuff closely too, you have some cool shit. Thanks, I wish many keks upon you
Oh, what discord channel are you talking about? I want to join you guys too :P
Just Go to
Pennies to the people! :)
Yes, we are now obtaining new images of every corner of the world every single day, and storing hundreds of petabytes of image data. There's so much for AI and machine learning to have a go at here, and we're just scratching the surface still!
Happy to have connected with you on Discord my friend! Steem on!