How Computer Graphics Works? [Techhab interpretation!] part-2

in #technology7 years ago


Now let's talk about the resolution. What is the resolution? - If you are using advanced resolutions for better quality pictures on the computer screen. Again we are those gamers who play new releases of games on our old computer as well as with fewer resolutions, as the resolution of the game is high, the overlap quality of the game will increase and simultaneously slow your computer. So what is the resolution?

Nambarakei an image or a computer screen pixel maximum resolution (Resolution) said. Just like the past Commodore PET computer's resolution was Ultra-Low Quality There were 25 characters on the screen that could show up to 80 characters, by which it could display the largest 2000 letter, number or punctuation mark on the screen. And each character was built on 8x8 square pixels, the resolution of the screen of the Commodore PET computer was 640 x 200 or 128,000 pixels.

I'm typing this laptop, sitting on the laptop, the resolution is 1280 x 800 or 1.024 megapixels, which is 7/8 times more distributes than the previous computer codepit computer. Note that one million pixels are one megapixel. On the other hand, 7 megapixel digital camera pictures will be 7 times more accurate than my laptop.


When showing something with a pixel on a computer screen, Jagged Edges comes in the side curve on that object. To solve this problem, the curve pixels on the side of the object are blurred, so that the smooth line of the curves comes in the curves. These techniques anti-eliyasim (Anti-aliasing) is called.

The smoothness of the computer screen pixels is controlled by this. You will find this anti-aliasing option in the video game. As you increase this option, the graphics of the game will increase the "smoothness" or smooth tidiness and on the other hand it will increase the pressure on your computer.

** Vector graphics**
Computer Graphics has a different method to solve raster graphics problems. Drawing the picture with direct and curved lines is possible in this process by creating a picture with pixels. This line is called vector or basic shape. While creating a picture in Raster Graphics where hundreds, thousands of pixels are used. And there is no link to one of those pixels.

But pixels are connected to each other in vector graphics. Because images are created through straight and curved lines instead of dots, images created in vector graphics can be quickly stored with less information. And the images or objects created in this vector graphics can be easily altered with the help of the mathematical formula (Algorithms) in small or any size. As you increase the size of a front and you're doing it in the Microsoft standard, you will see that the front will not become thicker than the larger, and any image file made from vector graphics can be as big as you want in Adobe Illustrator, any type of muddy Without For this reason, if you zoom in or zoom in any image in Photoshop, you will see that the image gets frozen but it does not get frustrated if you do it in Illustrator.

Nowadays, with the help of Modern Computer Graphics Package you can also use images or objects in combination with raster and vector graphics. For example, in the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) graphics package, you can transform the image to bitmap file using raster and vector graphics.

3D Graphics

Real life but not like computer games or virtual reality simulations. The best CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery) animations made with computer graphics can be seen easily, but you can easily understand which animations and which actors have made. But in this case the current filmmakers have taken a very intelligent step. And it is - CGI and people use it together.

And to make 3D Graphics a realistic, realistic graphics tutorial, besides a graphics design, there is a great graphics technique. That's why, in the developed world, skilled graphic design monthly income is quite high! They first made the 3D computer model of an object on the computer, and later, the 3D model of the object would be monitored at different angles.

The first step in creating a 3D computer model is to create a three-dimensional outline of the model, called Wire-Frame. Because they are made with vector graphics, they seem to be very much like iron wire. Then the various bits of the object are properly linked to each other, which is very similar to the bone bone in the human body. Through this, parts of objects can actually move. After that the texture is placed on different textures and rendered. This rendering is one of the most difficult tasks of 3D graphics. It can take several hours to a few months to accurately rendering.

There is a lot to talk about 3D graphics, and I will do a different post about this topic in any one of the front steps.

What is the use of computer graphics in the work?

Computer graphics are currently being used in many sectors. Graphics Design, Computer Art, CGI Flims, Architectural Drawings, Video Games These are the main areas of computer graphics. Computer graphics are also used in order to simplify various scientific research work, because computer calculation from people's calculations is 100% accurate. And in a computer graphics, a scientific research is used to verify the results of different sectors. There will be no scientific research on an end. In this case, the rats can die due to the study, but if you can create all the data of a mouse, you can create a vicious mouse through computer graphics, then you can apply your scientific research to the computer. But it has not yet been possible to make it happen.

On the other hand, computer graphics is also used in determining global warming, computer graphics is used in weather messages. And in the modern era, computer graphics is the most used in medical field. When you look at X-ray or scan copies of your body , it is made with a computer graphic. If we do not discover computer graphics, we can not get this X-ray system today. And you know, millions of pixels in an X-ray image have millions of computer mathematical?

Modern computers are all the current program - usable GUI (GUI) or the GUI (Graphical User Interface). Through this we can use computer machines and programs very easily. Windows 95 was Microsoft's first GUI variant operating system, its previous operating system MS-DOS, but this GUI feature was not a problem, because it was a difficult subject for ordinary people to use this operating system.

Hope you can give a basic idea to your computer graphics. If you do not understand any part of the post, you can make your question in the comments box below without shrinking. Computer graphics are a very big sector. It is never possible to put a 2000 word post. But I hope you have been able to give your basic idea about computer graphics.

And yes, when did computer graphics know the invention? In 1951, Jay Forrester and Robert Everett of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Private Ranch University created a mainframe computer named Whirlwind. The computer could display unmanned images in a TV monitor or VDU (visual display unit). This is the first computer graphics usage in history.